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Coming To Pakistan Soon

This is what the US government and its Pakistani apologists will bring to Pakistan through Blackwater and other American terror militias.






Commandos @ U.S. Embassy Kabul (2009)

Juiced up on ecstasy, enjoying and getting a hand job!

Special Forces Unit??

Notice Dark-Skinned Israelis…

An Israeli (American) army officer…

This is the blurred tattoo from above, exposed…

Lion of Judah on their shoulders…

Jewish symbolism…

Masada Warrior…

This is what Israelis do @ remote outposts…

So Who Are These Mercenaries?

They are mostly malleable white thugs, ex-cops, and adventure seekers. These are not the Navy Seals and Army Green Berets that everyone tells you these contractors are. The companies Zapata, Blackwater, Aegis,CACI,, etc are run by Zionists. If you think about it, just who would you hire? Do you want a black gang from Chicago, or Mexicans gangsters from Houston, or whites from Pelican Bay? You couldn’t control them, and they would probably shoot you.

The lower echelons are mainly ex-cops, academy drop-outs, and lower ranking, hand-picked military. The upper echelon are Israelis or white Zionists. They want guys that sit behind a M-60 or similar machine gun, in a humvee, that will spray civilian crowds of Afghanis, Iraqis, Iranians, and eventually Americans.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This Is What American Militias Will Bring To Pakistan

If Pakistanis are concerned about the growing evidence [click here and here] of US expanding its military presence inside major Pakistani cities with the arrival of US private militias and mercenaries, with the connivance of a corrupt Pakistani elite completely sold out to the Americans, we have reasons for this concern.

If the murderous mayhem unleashed by these American terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan is not enough, here are pictures and videos that show some of the activities of these hired American terrorists who are in the employ of the US embassy in Afghanistan.  These pictures and videos are surfacing because of the hard work of honest and honorable ordinary American citizens who do not think that American military and government has the right to turn other countries into a mess.

In Pakistan, the world’s largest American embassy is under construction. To protect it, Pakistan’s pro-US government is quietly helping the US expand its military presence in the country.

Read this CBS report Afghan U.S. Embassy patrol in ‘deviant’ parties with booze, hookers .

this report Shocking Hazing at U.S. Embassy in Kabul

And this : US Guards Hosted Naked Gay Parties At Afghan Embassy – Warning Graphic Pics

Also See:

Husain Haqqani To ISI: Let Blackwater In

The Rise of Mercenary Armies: A Threat to Global Security

Blackwater: CIA Assassins?

Oil and Islam: Will America Shift Away from Its Past Unilateralist Policies?

Obama to Bring More Mercenaries to Afghanistan — Sound Familiar?

Obama’s War: Drunk, Bored Trigger Happy Mercenaries Kill Afghan Civilians

Obama’s First 100 Days: The Afghan War is becoming America’s War

Pirates of Somalia and ‘US privateers’

Picture Alert: US Hummers Enter Pakistan, Undercover American Soldiers In Islamabad

The U.S. Invades and Occupies Pakistan

The Sneaking US Occupation Of Islamabad

US Blackwater mercenaries spread fear in Pakistan

A Dirty American Game In Pakistan

So Who Did Kill Benazir Bhutto?