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Some Thoughts On Old Dead Kennedy


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Today, I've been listening to the greatest pack of deceipt since 911.  The spin meisters are going full out praising Ted Kennedy, as though he was the soul of the nation.  I dunno.  Maybe he was.  This nation has surely devolved into a cesspool of imorality and secular humanism.


Truth of the matter is, and this cannot be refuted by any amount of spin, that whenever there was legislation introduced, or a vote held, that would disarm the American people, diminish their rights, increase government, increase the tax burden on the common man, or promote the oligarchy, ol' Ted's name was right at the top of the "Aye" column.  This is to say nothing of his personal conduct over the years.  I guess the American sheeple have become so conditioned to having imoral leaders, that it has almost become a prerequisite for holding office.
