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8 Yr Old Transsexuals Are Perfectly Normal, Protected In US

Curt Maynard

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On May 3, 2008, journalists Joelle Farrell and John Sullivan wrote a piece entitled School Challenge for the Philadelphia inquirer. They opened the piece with the following sentence -

"For school officials in Haverford Township, the challenge was daunting: What do you do when a 9-year-old student, with the full support of his parents, decides that he is no longer a boy and instead is a girl?"

So what do you think "school officials" did? According to Farrell and Sullivan, "The Haverford School District consulted "experts" on transgender children, then sent letters to parents advising them that the guidance counselor would meet with the school's 100 third-grade students to explain why their classmate would now wear girls' clothes and be called by a girl's name."

Parents were outraged, and wanted to know why the school sought to expose 8 and 9 year-olds to such deviant behavior, yes reader, I referred to it as deviant, it does in fact deviate from the norm, thus, by virtue of that fact alone, it is "deviant" behavior.

Bear in mind reader that school districts from coast to coast are fining and having parents thrown in jail for refusing to allow charlatans to prescribe to their children dangerous narcotics like Ritalin or for refusing to allow their children to be inoculated with dangerous vaccines that have been shown to cause all kinds of maladies, including autism and encephalopathy. School districts and the state have become far too powerful, they're throwing parents in jail at present because their children are skipping school - this at a time when any relatively healthy child with an ability to think independently would probably want to skip the daily indoctrination sessions they're being force fed as often as possible. I know I would have when I was a kid.

Recently, the state of Texas illegally invaded a religious sect's property on the lying word of a crazed black female from Colorado Springs and took away more than 420 children to be raised by the state of Texas in its foster homes, as if it [Texas] could possibly raise the children in a better environment than they were previously being raised. Two years ago, Texas' Comptroller General, Carole Keeton Strayhorn, said the state's child welfare system was broken, citing numerous unexplained deaths, examples of abuse, both physical and sexual, and more importantly, Governor Rick Perry's attempts to stonewall her investigation of the irreparable broken system. Strayhorn opened her statement by first stating that Governor Perry's attempts to derail her investigation were "unconscionable," and why she had finally come forward:

I am here today to release disturbing information found during my investigation about the deaths, poisonings, rapes and pregnancies of children in our state's foster care system.

Strayhorn then proceeded on to reveal something you'll never hear about on the television news, especially as it relates to the state of Texas' recent and unconstitutional kidnapping of the FLDS' children:

If you compare the number of deaths of children in our state's population to the number of deaths in our state's foster care system, a child is four times more likely to die in our state's foster care system."

What the state's Comptroller General is saying is simple. If you're a child involved in the state of Texas' foster care system, you're four times more likely to die than your peers living at home. Believe it or not, last year, more than 1,400 children died while in the foster care system nationwide.

I encourage readers to read Strayhorn's statement in its entirety, it's eye opening and extremely important in light of the fact that the NWO is moving as quickly forward with its evil agenda as it can without giving it all away too soon.

What it all means reader is this. Big Brother is alive and well and is doing everything it can to force us to accept degenerate ideas that fracture the family structure, like the idea that being an 8 year-old transsexual is perfectly acceptable, and quite normal, but teaching your children about the realities around them is not. For instance, last year, I had to hire an attorney in order to have my child excluded from participating in a Jewish dance, the Hora, at her school. The dance was being taught to the song Hava Nagila, which is music originally written by Hungarian Hasidic Jews. Bear in mind that all Christmas music at my child's school [Which is easily composed of more than 95% Christians] is verboten; we can't force children of other religions to participate in Christian themes can we? That would be intolerant. Apparently at my child's school, this meme doesn't include the Jewish religion, because the Hava Nagila is a religious song, Hasidic Jews do nothing unless it involves Judaism in some manner, nothing from going to the bathroom to spitting on the ground and cursing the wombs of Gentile mothers when they come upon a Christian cemetery. I explained this empirical fact to the music teacher who insisted in her own ignorance that I was wrong. In the end I had to hire an attorney to help her and the school district see the light. Fortunately for them, they wised up.

If you teach your daughter that the number one determining factor as to whether she'll be raped in their lifetime is whether or not she chooses to associate with black males, who are in fact thousands of times more likely to rape a White women than a White man is to rape a black female, the school system will likely have you charged for indoctrinating your children with racist beliefs [Don't laugh, this is right around the corner], or teaching them that the Bible itself makes it clear that homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God (Leviticus 18:22), abomination being defined by Merriam Webster as something disgusting, and abominable [worthy of or causing disgust or hatred]

What in fact all of this means is quite simple, the NWO is coming forward without apologies and is telling parents, we don't give a damn about what you want, we'll teach your children what we want to, and we want to indoctrinate them in the belief that homosexuality and the fantasy world we've created is perfectly normal and that reality is hateful, racist and will not be taught to your children. The NWO is making it quite clear, they're saying, "We're in charge of your children and you're not."How much longer can we afford to tolerate this? If you ask me the parents of the so-called "transsexual" child and the complicit school district ought to be charged with child abuse, tried, convicted and shot or imprisoned. Wake up America, you and your children are being taken for a ride.