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Michael Jackson: Whiteface Star of the Alchemical Minstrel Show

Micahel Hoffman

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We pause in our round-the-clock defamation of Iran to bring you, Michael Jackson.


Our Zionist-controlled media have temporarily shifted from hysterical denunciation of Iran to pious genuflection before the altar of an androgyne.


To the extent that Iran has been demonized, Mr. Jackson is being canonized -- as "the" iconic American entertainer. How strange and at the same time, revelatory.

No white actor may wear blackface today, but Mr. Jackson --who reputedly was once a Black man- -wore permanent whiteface thanks to modern surgery and chemicals. His visage was reportedly collapsing faster than his finances. Where are the photos? Why the coverup?

I don't lament the demise of blackface "entertainment" by white performers, for, as William N. Grimstad documents in his classic work, "Talk About Hate," the lowbrow shtick of vaudeville and movie "coon song" blackface was a Judaic art-form perfected by Sophie Kalish ("Sophie Tucker" the "World-renowned coon-shouter"), Asa Yoelson ("Al Jolson"), Edward Israel Iskowitz ("Eddie Cantor") and Joe Yule ("Mickey Rooney"), promoted by moguls like Louis Lazar ("Louis B. Mayer") and Max Aronson ("Bronco Billy Anderson"), and such early Zionist movie studios as Selig Polyscope.

Jackson was a mirror image of this degraded process, only instead of white greasepaint he resorted to permanent bleach. Was he a Black impersonation of a White transvestite? Or was his alchemy an elaborate fantasy-in-life --a desire to deceive himself into thinking he had actually become a kind of public White aristocrat? In the midst of the idolatry that has followed his death, no one seems to be asking these questions, even as Jackson is portrayed as the focus of the adulation of Blacks the world over. If that's the case, one can only conclude that most Blacks wish they were White. Yet that conclusion seems dubious, to say the least.

Jackson was the first race-change personality on the world stage. Sad to say, he was sick physically, mentally and spiritually. From his dalliances with young boys to his occult persona as "Captain Eo," he was the exoteric manifestation of the esoteric putrefaction exuded by a rootless, soulless, deracinated and boastful capitalist System, which demands that conservative nations like Iran follow its degenerate example or face media-generated hate and if all else fails, Israeli bombs.

The same talking head moralists who saw little but wretched evil in the Muslim Iranian government, adore Jackson as if he were the Second Coming. It is even said that Mr. Jackson was "The voice of America." Jackson as ambassador and voice of the USA? Perhaps in this 21 century, but not in the preceding one; that distinction is still held by the classically educated Harry Lillis "Bing" Crosby, who sold more records than Elvis and the Beatles combined, was a star of radio and movies, winner of the Academy Award, and a culture-bearer, not a culture-distorter.

Jackson is not fit to shine Crosby's golf clubs and I say that not because Jackson was a once and future African-American hermaphrodite and pederast in whiteface. Crosby promoted talented Black singers and entertainers throughout his career, and rightly so. Satchmo and Nat would have rushed Jackson to the nearest priest or shrink and pitied and prayed for him along the way.

Today Jackson is the god of the Chamber-of-Commerce-dump-for-cheap-labor-Chinese-junk, otherwise known as the USA. Jackson symbolizes the "joys" of our "capitalist way of life": the freedom to scarf hormonally-enhanced chicken at KFC while watching your ten-year-old daughter have her childhood stolen by Hannah Montana and "Madonna."

Way out here in the boonies of north Idaho, where this writer makes his home, it's not exactly Norman Rockwell country anymore. As Brer Rabbitt said when asked if he knew of a place so far away there was no trouble, "There ain't no place that far away." Idaho certainly has its share of modern troubles. But many of the people of Idaho are committed nonetheless to reviving the America of old that God once shed His grace upon, and the sudden reanimation of the Michael Jackson circus strikes us as perverted and delusional.

If Jackson is the face of America, then America no longer exists, except in places like Idaho and Montana --while New York and Hollywood bear the same relation to America that Michael Jackson's collapsing nose and bleached skin do to the proud Black men and women he insulted with his mission of becoming the leopard that can change his spots and the Ethiopian who can change his skin.

But let us not feel smug or superior. We live in a scientific era where cloned meat and genetically-altered corn are fed to our children; where "pro-life" Republicans massacre Muslim and Arab civilians; where the worst ideas are touted as the best ideas; where heads is tails. In such a mixmaster milieu, why wouldn't Black be White, and male be a simulacra of female, and Michael Jackson the king of American culture and the star of the alchemical minstrel show that has become a religion for the masses?


Hoffman is a former reporter for the Associated Press and the author of Judaism Discovered, a book banned by