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More Illuminati/Corporate New World Order degeneracy. Burger King is Now Selling Burgers with Blow Jobs!

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-From: F
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 12:10 AM
Subject: More Illuminati/Corporate New World Order degeneracy. Burger King is Now Selling Burgers with Blow Jobs!

I hope you won't even try to tell me that they did not know what they were doing when they came up with this advertisement.

The article below is a sad sight to see. More Illuminati/Corporate New World Order degeneracy. Of course, Burger King is not alone, as other corporate giants delve into the corruption of children game. Here is an example with the Walt Disney Company - a company you may have thought had family values at heart. Well, think again.

Clearly, these losers are all about corrupting our society and our youth to destroy innocence for more of their Bohemian Grove-style perverse antics. We have permitted, and continue to permit the removal of God from our nation and our consciousness, and we will pay for it in spades.

You name the political system, be it Nazi Fascism, Soviet Communism or American Mafia/Cronie Capitalism and Corporatism and everything in between, when you remove God from the picture, you remove the natural law, the inner controls of morality that are necessary for decency and liberty to widely flourish. 2 Corinthians 3:17: Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Ever the gentleman, God is not forcing Himself upon us and will leave as we so choose for Him to leave. America should not be surprised at all as tyranny continually descends upon this once-free nation and surrounds us with darkness. Other than all out war, moral decay has been the primary basis for the downfall of history's great nations. America, what appears to be the end-times version of Babylon the Great as described in The Book of Revelations - Chapter 18, is on the downfall. Think not for a single second that it has not been planned by our enemies, who beguiled us into our own slavery.



Burger King: Now Selling Blow Jobs!

Wed Jun 24, 2009 at 10:08:23 AM PDT

I'll let the ad speak for itself.
I'm not a prude by any stretch of the imagination but when a mainstream-Americana company like Burger King chooses to put such a degrading image of women out there as a way to peddle their junk food to the public, I feel the need to say something.
They have the right to be tasteless and sexist... And I have the right to tell them they will not see a dime of my money as long as they are using these types vulgar images and tactics in their advertising.
Please feel free to join me in giving them a piece of my mind if you share my disgust.
Burger King Corporation

5505 Blue Lagoon Drive

Miami, Florida 33126

Corporate Headquarters - 305-378-3000

Marketing/Advertising Information Requests - 305-378-7200

Consumer Relations - 305-378-3535

North America:

Denise Wilson

Media Line: 305-378-7277

After Hours: 1-800-393-3999

For those who are asking below. Why is this ad degrading and sexist in my opinion? In addition to the ham-handed caveman-level subtlety, the woman in the ad is clearly made to look like a blow-up doll.
HT to kirbybruno  for locating and posting a link to this article discussing BK's lame advertising tactics in the comments below:
In pertinent part:
Burger King's (BKC) increasingly obnoxious attempts to lure young dopes to its horrible food may have gone too far this time. The likely slightly older (but award-winning!) dopes... Have come up with a print ad shamelessly evoking oral sex to peddle the "BK Super Seven Incher."