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Abortionists Losing Special Treatment, Maybe #1 Million (with video)

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June 19, 2009

Lila Rose

Planned Parenthood in Tennessee appears to be losing its special treatment and possibly $1 million in Title X family planning funds as the state legislature, following the release of an undercover video exposing the abortion business's practices, is changing directions.

The Legislature has voted for Senate Bill 470 which, instead of continuing the preference for Planned Parenthood to get about $1 million in federal money allocated to the state for family planning, requires officials to give money first to county health departments.

The vote happened only weeks after a video was released by Live Action Films revealed a counselor at a Memphis, Tenn., Planned Parenthood abortion business apparently advising a "patient" to lie to a judge about her boyfriend's age to avoid possible felony charges against him.

The film was released on the organization's website as well as on YouTube:

Live Action officials said the undercover investigation video was Part 5 of their Mona Lisa Project – a series of investigations in which an undercover volunteer goes into Planned Parenthood abortion businesses with a concealed camera and records apparent violations of state laws. Other investigations have been in Indiana

and Arizona.

The new Tennessee legislation states: "Upon receipt of all applications, the commissioner must first consider and give preference to funding requests from the county health departments. The commissioner is prohibited from excluding a county health department which seeks full funding of family planning services if, at the time of the application, the county health department does not have the capacity to serve the number of patients as estimated in the request for grant proposal if the county health department provides documentation demonstrating its ability at the inception of the grant period to serve the estimated number of patients.

The plan also notes, "If funds remain after awarding funding to all public departments of health, the commissioner may make funding available to private applicants in a manner consistent with the above-described provisions of present law and this bill."

"We are very happy that Tennessee legislators saw the harm Planned Parenthood is doing to little girls and took the necessary steps to ensure that the organization's negligence will no longer receive preferential treatment when taking our tax dollars," said Lila Rose, president of Live Action and the UCLA student who went undercover in the videos.

The change by lawmakers makes Tennessee the second location in which Live Action videos have revealed Planned Parenthood's actions, and public officials have responded by cutting back on taxpayer subsidies to the abortion business.

According to Live Action, when a community member alerted the Orange County, Calif., board of supervisors to more of Live Action's undercover videos of Planned Parenthood counselors agreeing to protect adult-child sexual relationships, the board in March refused to renew Planned Parenthood's $291,788 contract with the county.

The Live Action Mona Lisa Project is a multi-state campaign to expose Planned Parenthood's alleged willingness to violate mandatory reporting laws for statutory rape – in order to provide secret abortions for young girls.

"We will continue to expose Planned Parenthood for endangering the lives and well-being of young girls in service of its abortion-first mentality," said Rose. "It is our hope that other elected officials will soon follow the examples of Orange County and Tennessee in seeking to de-fund Planned Parenthood of all public subsidies for their lawless activity."

Live Action Films said in the Memphis video the Planned Parenthood nurse "coaches Lila Rose, posing as a 14-year-old girl, to lie to a judge about the age of her reportedly 31-year-old boyfriend in order to get a secret abortion and hide the statutory rape from her parents."

A WND call to the Memphis Planned Parenthood abortion business was put on a loop of promotional messages, but no spokesman ever picked up the call.

Live Action Films noted that in Tennessee, sex between a 14-year-old and an adult is a felony.

Yet, when the Planned Parenthood operative was told the patient was 14 and her boyfriend was 31, she disregarded the information.

"If we keep on this conversation I'm gonna have to talk to my manager, and he's gonna get in trouble," she told the "patient." "Just say you have a boyfriend 17 years old – whatever."

She specifically noted the "boyfriend" was more than double the girl's age.

"I'm not going to tell anybody … and please don't say that I told you this," the counselor said.

In the Arizona investigations, Rose and co-worker Jackie Stollar posed as 15-year-olds to enter two Phoenix Planned Parenthood facilities, seeking information about abortions for a "pregnant" teen. They stated the "boyfriend" was 27, but neither office reported the apparent violation of Arizona's statute requiring that law enforcement be notified immediately if an adult-child sexual relationship is known.

Videos of the Indiana visits revealed one Indiana Planned Parenthood business describing how to evade mandatory reporting laws and a counselor at another Indiana Planned Parenthood facilitate advising a "teen" how to hide a felony.

The videos from Indiana resulted in discipline against Planned Parenthood employees and a state promise of investigations.