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What's Really Behind America's Rapid Descent Into Evil


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From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 4:13 PM
Subject: What's really behind America's rapid descent into evil
The Marketing of Evil:

How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as FreedomBy David Kupelian

Are you outraged that the Obama administration is plunging America into socialism by labeling it "economic recovery"?

Or that Obama is breaking laws, firing critics, and stonewalling basic information requests while calling it "transparency"?

Or that Congress wants to censor truthful talk radio in the name of "fairness"?

Or that you are now called a "shameful bigot" and "homophobe" if you hold to a biblical understanding of marriage?

Doesn't today's America seem more and more like Orwell's 1984, where "freedom equals slavery" and everything bad and self-destructive is portrayed as good and desirable?

One of the most popular books ever among WorldNetDaily readers explains how evil in every form gets packaged, perfumed and gift-wrapped – and sold to Americans as good. Now, more than ever, Americans need to read WND managing editor David Kupelian's modern classic, The Marketing of Evil.

Subtitled How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom, this best seller, now in its 10th printing, remains one of the most controversial, yet widely acclaimed, books on today's America.

The Marketing of Evil reveals how today's "leader class" – from government to popular culture – exploits Americans' deeply felt national values of fairness, generosity and tolerance. It shows how they trick millions of us into embracing as enlightened and noble that which all previous generations since America's founding regarded as grossly self-destructive—in a word, evil.

No quarter is given in this riveting, insightful exploration of how lies, both subtle and outrageous, are packaged as truth. From the federal government to the public school system to the news media to the hidden creators of "youth culture," nothing is exempt from the thousand-watt spotlight of Kupelian's journalistic inquiry.

"The Marketing of Evil so clearly exposes the incredible con game to which Americans have been subjected that it offers real hope—because when our problems come this sharply into focus, so do the solutions," says WND founder and CEO Joseph Farah.

In the end, The Marketing of Evil is an up-close, modern-day look at what used to be known as "temptation"—the art and science of making evil look good.

For a limited time, WND readers can get an autographed hard cover edition of The Marketing of Evil for just $4.95!

Click Here to Order "The Marketing of Evil" Now

BUT WAIT – there's more to this deal. When you order The Marketing of Evil for $4.95, we will also send you, FREE, three sizzling issues of WND's critically acclaimed monthly magazine, Whistleblower – including the June issue, 'DON'T TREAD ON ME.'

Rebellion in America's Heartland
Yours FREE!

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"It's happening," says WorldNetDaily's founder and editor, Joseph Farah, "– a rebellion in the heartland."

In a stinging rebuke to the federal government and an affirmation of the Constitution's 10th Amendment, Farah says "dozens of state legislatures are recognizing they are under the thumb of central government tyranny and are saying NO to it with resolutions asserting their state sovereignty. It's a promising sign for Americans desperate to recapture the vision of liberty and justice shared by our founders."

This growing backlash on the part of outraged citizens, including an extraordinary rebellion by state legislators unprecedented in modern times, is chronicled in the June edition of Whistleblower magazine, titled 'DON'T TREAD ON ME': Rebellion in America's Heartland.

The issue documents how, from coast to coast, from "tea parties," "9-12ers" and public demonstrations to the burgeoning state sovereignty movement in legislatures across the land, Americans are coming together to take their country back.

Click Here to Order Now

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