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Mat Staver

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Next week is going to be incredibly intense. We have just one full business day left until the U.S. Senate votes on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S 160) and the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (S 311).

These are two of the biggest pro-life bills of the whole year – both scheduled on the same day (Tuesday).

We had to close our petition earlier this morning to prepare it for hand-delivery. But even if you have never sent a fax before, today is your day.

Time is very short! Click below to get your message to these legislators now. - Mat ​​​​​​

We are fighting Planned Parenthood tooth and nail on both of these bills. They have pledged 45 million towards campaign donations, mostly targeting U.S. Senate races.

That is a big, fat checkbook that we are fighting against. We need every voice, every fax, every email possible to open these legislators' eyes to the humanity of these little children.

Criminals convicted of the most horrific crimes are protected from cruel and unusual punishment, however the most innocent among us—preborn children—are forced to undergo having their arms and legs ripped off by force in a common procedure called Dismemberment Abortion (a.k.a D & E or Dilation and Evacuation Abortion).

Dismemberment abortions are the preferred method of the National Abortion Federation because they are cheaper, and because the child's organs are more easily resold.

This type of abortion is done on children up to 24 weeks, which is a month past when evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that preborn children can feel horrific, excruciating pain.

This is what the Pain-Capable Act will stop from happening here in America. Will you raise your voice to make this pain stop for these innocent children? 

I'm excited because, thanks to your involvement, we are preparing to take more than 23,000 petition signatures to each of the six legislators who hold the power to pass or block these bills.

We always want to keep our petitions free to anyone who wants to get involved. Thus, we completely rely on donations to cover the printing, driving, parking fees, cover letters, and staff efforts to make a bold statement to these legislators. Would you consider a donation today to help us with that?

This is a moment of truth for our nation. I hope you will join me over the weekend in prayer that God will get a hold of our leaders and grant them hearts of wisdom, not hearts of stone.


Mat Staver




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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
