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Ethan Huff

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Image: Netflix threatens to boycott Georgia if the state disallows the gruesome murder of unborn babies

The Leftist death cult is having a demonic meltdown over the four states-and-counting that have enacted so-called “heartbeat” laws to protect the lives of unborn human children from being aborted once their heartbeats are able to be detected. And joining this fray of Moloch-worshiping Satanism is none other than the media streaming service Netflix, which recently threatened to pull all of its film and television productions out of Georgia if the Peach State’s recently-passed heartbeat is actually implemented as planned.

Netflix, which at this point has become nothing more than a shameless mouthpiece for the Left and its god, Barack Obama, released an official statement about its plan to boycott the entire state of Georgia, whining about how the company has “many women working on productions in Georgia, whose rights, along with millions of others, will be severely restricted by this law.”

Netflix’s “Chief Content Officer” Ted Sarandos further promised that his employer will be working with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to dismantle Georgia’s heartbeat law, as well as other similar heartbeat laws, so that females involved with Netflix productions like “Ozark” and “Stranger Things” will continue to have the government’s permission to murder unborn human life at any point during pregnancy, as well as after pregnancy when a baby has left the womb.

For more news about the Left’s obsession with murdering human babies, be sure to check out and


We’re betting that all that cash from Georgia’s generous film and TV subsidies will keep Netflix and Hollywood working in the state, regardless of their pro-abortion “values”

As you may recall, failed Democratic candidate for Georgia governor-turned-2020 presidential candidate Stacey Abrams feels the exact same way as Netflix, having recently announced that she finds the passage of Georgia’s heartbeat bill to be both “evil” and “abominable.”

As it turns out, most Democrats see abortion as “good,” and those who oppose it as “evil,” hence their maniacal rage every time legislators take a stand for human life. In this case, with Georgia being the new “Hollywood of the East,” Leftists simply can’t contain their outrage over the majority of Georgians who support unborn human rights, and are reacting as they usually do: with hatred, intolerance, and in some cases, violence.

It’s important to note that Netflix is already on the down-and-out as it is, with many solid competitors rising to take its place. One would think that, in light of this decline, Netflix would attempt to be just slightly less political, and not openly proclaim its love for murdering babies. But, alas, its Leftist virtue signaling is on the rise, even as a growing number of American states boldly roll back Roe v. Wade in defense of unborn human life.

“In addition to Kentucky, Mississippi and Ohio which have all enacted heartbeat laws since mid-March, and Iowa passed one last year, and Alabama which passed a bill that would ban all abortions unless the mother’s life is threatened, a total of 15 states have introduced measures to ban abortions as early as six weeks into a pregnancy,” reveals Zero Hedge.

Once again, Hollywood and Big Tech are completely out of touch with what real Americans actually want, and that’s an end to the horrific act of violence known as abortion. All the virtue signaling in the world doesn’t negate the fact that abortion is murder, and represents the antithesis of the “human rights” that Leftists claim to embrace.

“Will Netflix soon be stuck with only filming its money losing movies in only the most expensive of liberal states?” asks Zero Hedge. “Once again, we doubt it, but then again nothing is as money-losing as virtue signaling for the sake of, well, virtue.”

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