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Alabama Court: Babies Are People With Rights

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A probate court in Madison County, Alabama, ruled that Ryan Magers, the father of a baby aborted against his wishes, has the right to sue the Alabama Women’s Center that performed the procedure and the pharmaceutical company that made the medication used in the procedures. The suit states that in 2017 the father repeatedly begged his girlfriend at the time to not abort the baby but to no avail. Magers says he filed the suit because “I’m here for the men who actually want to have their baby. Even though there’s nothing I can do for the situation I was in, there is something I can do for the future situations for other people. … I believe every child from conception is a baby and deserves to live.” His attorney is already speculating that the case could set a strong pro-life precedent. The big question is if this could serve as the trigger to overturn Roe. We’ll be watching.

Here’s more from The Daily Wire…

The Madison County probate court ruled that a father of a baby that was aborted by the father’s girlfriend has the right to sue the woman’s center that performed the procedure as well the employees of the center and the pharmaceutical company that made the medication used in the abortion.

On February 10, 2017, against his wishes, the girlfriend of Ryan Magers aborted the baby they had conceived. In early February 2019, Magers filed suit; the suit states that the baby (Baby Roe) was aborted at six weeks in 2017, despite the fact that Magers repeatedly begged his girlfriend to let the baby live. The girlfriend went to the Alabama Women’s Center, where she was given a pill that would abort the baby.

Magers said, “I just tried to plead with her and plead with her and just talk to her about it and see what I could do, but in the end, there was nothing I could do to change her mind.”