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Campaign to send baby hats to Nancy Pelosi

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Abortion has been in headlines in recent weeks. There was New York’s abortion-until-birth law described by some critics as worse that China’s one-child policy. Other states proposed equally horrific bills, with one specifying an unborn child does not have human rights.

Then Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam admitted that the law proposed in his state permitted infanticide.

Congress recently removed about $60 million in federal funding from Planned Parenthood, but millions from taxpayers still support its abortion businesses.

Now the pro-life Family Research Council is urging citizens to donate baby hats for delivery to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., an ardent abortion supporter.

The campaign is called End Birth Day Abortion.

“Sometimes, in the course of our lives, we have to draw a line. For us here at FRC and for millions of people across the country, one of those times happens to be now,” the organization said.

“The U.S. Senate recently voted down a measure that would have introduced criminal penalties for letting a baby that has already been born after a botched abortion die. Yes, you read that right. There are currently no laws in our country that make it a criminal offense to commit infanticide after a botched abortion.

“Since 2002, the CDC has reported that a baby has been born after a failed abortion at least 143 times, and this number is almost certainly a vast underestimate because this data was only gathered from a handful of states that allowed the data to be gathered in the first place.”

FRC said that as a country, the United States find itself “at a red line.”

“Will we allow infanticide to continue unpunished, or will we make it a crime? For us here at FRC, we are drawing this red line. We will not let this issue slide. We are making it clear that we as a human race must, at the barest of minimums, care for a baby that has just been born. It’s almost unthinkable that we even have to take this stand, but we do.”

The first goal is to spotlight Democrats killing the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

“They are robbing brand-new babies of their very lives by not keeping them warm and feeding them,” the statement said.

The hands-on part of the campaign allows Americans to donate $9 and the FRC will “deliver one baby hat on your behalf to U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“At nine months, on the day of a baby’s birth, the first article of clothing that’s placed upon the baby, once they are wrapped in a blanket, is a thermal hat with blue and pink stripes,” FRC explained. “That’s what we would hope for every baby.”


Article printed from WND: