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Update to New York's new abortion law


Folks, this is DISGUSTING. A recap:

RECAP: New York just rammed a law through that allows abortion on a baby's day zero birth day. No doctor has to be present, anyone can kill the baby. Additionally, no witness needs to be present. So anything that happens "happens". I have speculated this is just a veiled method of using midwives to deliver live babies to be used in satanic sacrifice rituals. Anyway, that's the original scoop. But wait, there's more!

You'd think this has to be fake news, but it is not fake news. I double and triple checked all of this, and it is positively NOT FAKE:


New York governor Cuomo went the whole 9 yards and officially stated that if you are pro-life, or conservative, or support the second amendment, you are not welcome in New York. It will take going over a few reports to get all of it, but Here is a nice start. But wait: There's MORE!!!


Suddenly having a zone where you can murder people in their birthday suit is a FESTIVE OCCASION. So to celebrate, Cuomo has ordered state landmarks to be lit up with lights that are BABY GIRL PINK!!! I KID YOU NOT, you'd have to think that was fake news, but no, it happened, Cuomo really was THAT AUDACIOUS about it.


The event was so festive, he even ordered the spire of ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER - you know - the not-so-"freedom tower" to be lit up pink, declaring "In the face of a federal government intent on rolling back Roe v. Wade and women's reproductive rights, I promised that we would enact this critical legislation within the first 30 days of the new session - and we got it done. I am directing that New York's landmarks be lit in pink to celebrate this achievement and shine a bright light forward for the rest of the nation to follow."


Folks, I repeat: That is not fake news. It is so disgusting it "has to be fake", but even The Onion would not be that audacious.

uomo was probably rigged into office. Maybe not. Maybe. Well, considering New York is Jew central, maybe not. But there is no maybe to this: If Cuomo really was elected, and the people who rammed this legislation through really were elected, and this legislation really is supported by a majority of New Yorkers, Russia has several a 100 megaton tsunami bombs off the east coast, just waiting to fill the role of God's hand in this. If you live in New York and don't agree with this kind of behavior, I suggest you leave before an unscheduled swim.

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