Entire antidepressant drug industry is a HOAX; “chemical imbalance” of the brain was completely fabricated as the cause for 'clinical depression'
S.D. Wells
Does fear of COVID have you stressed and anxious? You must have a “chemical imbalance” in your brain. Did the pandemic lockdowns, masking and social distancing ruin your life and make you depressed? Big Pharma has some specially-made pills for that chronic condition. Did you recently get fired, separated, divorced, in an automobile wreck or spend all your savings due to inflation? If any or all of that has you “in a bad place” or a dark “head space,” you must be suffering from severe “clinical depression” and have an SSRI imbalance (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) in your brain, according to decades of fake and falsified research by the psychology industrial complex here in America.
Clinical depression study reveals no clear evidence that depression is caused by a so-called “chemical imbalance in the brain”
After decades and decades of the psychology pharma goons slinging dangerous, experimental SSRI (psychotropic) drugs on adults, teens and kids who have “clinical depression” and “chemical imbalance” of the brain, we find out there’s ZERO proof of any such thing, and this from the University College London study recently published for the world to read.
As it turns out, the entire antidepressant drug industry is a HOAX and a LIE. Depression is a natural response to bad circumstances, but the psychology and psychiatry industries have turned it into a ‘pandemic’ of disorders, syndromes and diseases that must be treated with dangerous prescription drugs that not only exacerbate dark thoughts, but are based on a concocted theory that doesn’t hold water, as recently revealed by research.
The “chemical imbalance” theory just got debunked. It’s a conspiracy theory made up by Big Pharma to help them sling more expensive, dangerous drugs that just add to the whole depression “diagnosis.” This fake diagnosis has been going on since the 1960s.
Fake news, fake friends and fake events on social media now set up kids, teens and young adults for “chemical imbalances” and prescription drug treatment
Did your number of “friends” or “followers” on social media just decrease drastically? Don’t let it get you down, because they’re all just bots (robots) and fake accounts anyway. Are you confused about your gender to the point where you think you need permanent surgery to switch you? Maybe it’s just fake news and fake people influencing you to do something you may regret forever and can’t take back.
Watch out, because if you go see a psychiatrist or psychologist about that, you may be diagnosed with a fake “chemical imbalance of the brain” or “clinical depression,” when it’s really just some normal emotions welling up over the fake news and fake friends frenzy online.
The serotonin theory of clinical depression and its origins turns out to have ZERO scientific evidence to prove it’s real. That calls into question every anti-depressant and anti-anxiety drug on the market right now. So much for “extensive research,” it was all just biological theories with no evidence-based proof.
COVID-19 stress, clot-shot vaccines, and SSRIs – a deadly formula for “clinical depression” and thoughts of suicide
It was never really about the China Flu, as most healthy adults, young adults, teens, kids and babies had and have nothing to worry about. Oh, but the media and the CDC would have us all believe otherwise. So then, it’s all about vaccinating the masses with billions of protein prions that cause central nervous system disorders, blood flow issues and chronic inflammation. That drives all kinds of disease and disorder in the body, including declining mental health.
Visit just about any medical doctor with all those issues and you’re almost guaranteed to be prescribed SSRI drugs that have side effects of thoughts of homicide and suicide, which many pharma-dosed victims carry out for real. Just think of all the mass shootings over the past two decades — it’s the prescription drugs to blame, not the guns or even the young men. The whole “chemical imbalance” in the brain is that way DUE TO the prescription drugs, not the prior diagnosis of sadness or stress.
Tune your scamdemic frequency to Censored.news for truth news that’s being censored from the rest of media as you read this.
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