If you can’t ban it, steal it: How Big Pharma is trying to gain control of the cannabis industry
Tracey Watson
About a hundred years ago, marijuana began to be banned in one state after the other, until finally the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 effectively banned its use nationwide. As reported by the New York Times, the reasons for this policy were rooted in “racism and xenophobia,” and its “principal effect has been to ruin the lives of generations of people.”
Marijuana was not always prohibited or viewed as dangerous in our country. In fact, as far back as the 1830s, early settlers were well aware of its medicinal benefits. The History Channel explains that by the end of the 1800s, Americans could purchase cannabis extracts from their local pharmacies or doctors’ offices, and it was commonly used in the treatment of insomnia, stomach pain, migraines, inflammation and other conditions.
In recent years, attitudes towards marijuana use have begun to change, and studies have proved its medicinal value in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, schizophrenia, arthritis, migraines and the side effects of cancer. As the body of evidence supporting the use of medical marijuana has grown, more and more states have legalized its use. As of 2019, 33 states as well as the District of Columbia now legally allow the medical use of marijuana, and more states are likely to follow suit in the next few years.
Although even medical marijuana remains illegal at the federal level, it is generally believed that it is just a matter of time before federal law is changed and it becomes legal nationwide. This provides a massive business opportunity for farmers and end suppliers of this natural medicine.
Of course, the world’s biggest industry – Big Pharma – is also well aware of its potential to line their pockets. They are not likely to simply share the bounty with others, however, and will seek to gain complete control of the marijuana industry in the next few years. After all, sales of medical cannabis are projected to reach $5.9 billion this year, and that figure is sure to boom in the coming decades. Big Pharma will never walk away from the opportunity to make that kind of money.
Big Pharma seeks to patent marijuana and steal its profits
As previously reported by Natural News, Big Pharma has already taken steps to try to secure potential medical marijuana profits by patenting it:
There are many indications that Big Pharma is looking to take over the cannabis market. For example, Insys Therapeutics — an opioid manufacturer that’s come under fire for their unscrupulous marketing and sales tactics — secured DEA approval for synthetic marijuana in March.
Further, Insys Therapeutics spent $500,000 last summer to fight cannabis legalization in Arizona. Over a nine-year period, the pharma industry as a whole spent $880 million to fight cannabis reform and keep opioids flowing freely. If they actually opposed legalizing marijuana, why are they trying to patent a synthetic? The company doesn’t care about cannabis; it cares about protecting their profits.
And it’s not just Insys Therapeutics; countless companies are looking to secure their place in the marijuana market. Corporate behemoths like Monsanto and Bayer are also reportedly looking to patent cannabis.
As reported by Zero Hedge, in Canada, where the use of medical marijuana has been legal for some time, seven of the top 10 cannabis patent holders are major international pharmaceutical companies, including Novartis, Pfizer and Merck.
Pharmaceutical companies in Canada and other countries have sought to forge strong business relationships with cannabis companies. This allows them to tap into the massively lucrative distribution market.
Why cannabis distribution needs to stay out of Big Pharma’s clutches
Cannabis is nothing short of a miracle plant. Its pain-relieving qualities are greater than commercially produced nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Advil and aspirin; it has proven anti-anxiety benefits; it is single-handedly turning the tide of the opioid crisis by providing pain-relief without causing addiction; a light is being shone on its cancer-fighting properties; and it offers a host of other health benefits.
Best of all, it provides all these amazing benefits at a very affordable cost, and, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s fact sheet on marijuana, it has never resulted in a death from overdose – a claim that certainly does not apply to Big Pharma’s chemical drugs.
Pharmaceutical companies have proven their unscrupulousness and greed countless times in the past. For example, in 2016, Mylan Pharmaceuticals increased the cost of a twin pack of the lifesaving EpiPen virtually overnight from $100 to $600.
Big Pharma has also become famous for repackaging cheap and readily available generic drugs as “new,” expensive drugs and then hiking their prices.
And, of course, Big Pharma single-handedly created the opioid crisis now plaguing the country.
With its history of greed and doing whatever it takes to make money, it is essential that Big Pharma not be allowed to gain control of the cannabis market. This will ensure that all Americans can continue to benefit from the healing properties of this miraculous plant. Learn more at BigPharmaNews.com.
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