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L.J. Devon, Staff Writer

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aUG. 5, 2015

(NaturalNews) When the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raided Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet's offices this year, they were determined to put an end to his research and use of Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF) because this research was essentially making vaccines look like violent, mad science. (View the search warrant here)


Globulin component, a protein naturally made by the body, normally binds with vitamin D to activate the acceleration of macrophages to destroy infection in the body. Dr. Bradstreet was finding out that when a person is injected with vaccine viruses, this natural binding process between globulin component and vitamin D is blocked by an enzyme called nagalase. Nagalase can be intentionally injected to wipe out the GcMAF protein facilities on the surface of one's T and B lymphocytes, leaving the person with a compromised immune system. Did the FDA want to suppress this information?


Before he suspiciously died, Dr. Bradstreet treated 1,100 patients with GcMAF with an astonishing 85 percent response rate. He also found out that the destructive enzyme nagalase was pervasive in fully vaccinated autistic children and not in unvaccinated newborns. In fact, with the reintroduction of GcMAF in the body, many of Bradstreet's autistic patients were cleared of all their symptoms. Sadly, three days after the FDA raided his facilities, Dr. Bradstreet was found dead in a river.


The FDA allows pharmaceutical drugs to kill hundreds of thousands of people

The FDA is nothing more than a violent gang working for the ones who poison people and the planet. As the FDA suppresses life-saving treatments and targets honorable healers, they also permit some of the deadliest poisons to masquerade as "medicine." For instance, the FDA gave the okay to Pfizer to market and sell Celebrex. As the drug killed tens of thousands of Americans, the FDA went on non-apologetically. Merck and Co's infamous Vioxx claimed countless lives too but the FDA approved it as medicine. The list of deadly side effect-ridden drugs goes on and on and these chemicals are the silent source of witchcraft suppressing the spellbound people.


The FDA is the new Murder Inc. because they go after the very things that help and heal mankind, while permitting the drugs that break down the population. For example, the FDA goes after companies that sell essential oils of all things! These essential oils are simply just steam distilled from healing plants and have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-stress properties that work with the body, not against it. Companies like doTerra have been targeted.


The FDA says, "According to the FDA, "Private citizens may not share written information on the Internet about how essential oils have improved their health, the health of their families, or the health of their clients".


The National Institutes of Health confirms what many people already know from experience - that essential oils can be responsibly used to heal the body. However, the FDA restricts this free speech, suppressing vital information that could improve healthcare throughout the country.




The FDA is the violent mafia arm of the biotech and pharmaceutical industries

The FDA is a violent, forceful, and suppressive arm that carries out the wishes of biotech and pharmaceutical industries. While the FDA threatens essential oils and life-saving protocols for immunology, they are busy covering up the Seralini rat studies that proved the dangers of genetically modified organisms. Even though the rats in the Seralini study grew significant tumors at puberty on a GMO diet, the FDA gave the biotech industry the green light, allowing those same GMOs to be widely released. The FDA didn't order more safety studies. Officials didn't alert the American people and block these tumor-causing organisms from the American food supply. The FDA became the fake front for the biotech industry just as they are an illusion of safety for the pharmaceutical industry.


The FDA is really a part of these industries, with the power to unleash poisons and disguise them as food and medicine. The FDA culls the population at will. When politicians discuss their plan to improve health care, why aren't they talking about all the lives that are taken annually due to FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs?


When will these criminal organizations be held accountable? When will Murder Inc. be shuttered for good?

