The Cholesterol Drug War: ABC Australia Bans Documentary Exposing Statin Drug Scandal
The Cholesterol Drug War: ABC Australia Bans Documentary Exposing Statin Drug Scandal
Health Impact News Editor Comments
Dr. MaryAnne Demasi’s documentary on the criminal activity of the pharmaceutical industry regarding cholesterol-lowering statin drugs sent shock waves through the mainstream media in Australia last year. Published in two parts on the popular news show The Catalyst, the pharmaceutical industry complained loudly after the first show, and requested the network not air the second episode, “Heart of the Matter Part 2 – Cholesterol Drug War.”
ABC Australia aired it anyway, but the pharmaceutical influence is apparently too strong, as it was announced that the network would remove the videos from their website because “they breached its impartiality standards.” They also removed them from YouTube.
These two episodes were among the most watched videos on Health Impact News in 2013, with tens of thousands of “likes” on Facebook alone, helping the videos go viral outside of Australia.
We found other copies on YouTube, but were also removed. For now, we have copies below from Dr. Eades’ Vimeo Channel.
If you or anyone you know have been prescribed cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, then you need to watch this documentary. It could save your life.
Here are the two episodes, with our original commentary:
Outside of the United States, the myth that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease is quickly falling apart. Sweden just recently became the first western nation to reject the low-fat dietary philosophy [1] in favor of a high-fat low-carbohydrate diet. A leading cardiologist in the U.K. made shock waves recently by appearing in the mainstream media and stating that saturated fats were not the cause of heart disease, but refined carbohydrates were.
Now, ABC TV in Australia has released a news documentary with the title: “HEART OF THE MATTER [2]: The Cholesterol Myth: Dietary Villains and Cholesterol Drug War.” This documentary interviews cardiologists, science writers, and other experts who expose the saturated fat and cholesterol myth. This is part 1 of a 2-part series.
Part 1 caused so much controversy when it was aired (watch it below), that Australia’s top medicine safety expert, Emily Banks, urged the ABC not to air the follow-up, because it might encourage people to go off their anti-cholesterol statin drugs. “If people stop using their statins . . . it’s very likely that it will result in death,” she said. (Source [3].)
Wow, talk about scare tactics! If the science that is represented in this documentary is wrong, why not refute the science instead of using scare tactics to endorse censorship? Fortunately, ABC Australia did not censor it, and you can watch Part 2 here [4].
People around the world are waking up to these dietary myths, as well as the scam of cholesterol-lowering drugs and how harmful they actually are. But given how much of a threat exposing this myth is in losing billions of dollars in profits in the United States, will the mainstream media and the U.S. Government follow other western nations? Those of us in the alternative media, via the Internet, have been covering this issue for more than a decade now!
Heart of the Matter – Part 1