How Monsanto and biotech companies violate the Nuremberg Code with inhumane experiments on humans
Jonathan Benson
(NaturalNews) The basic human rights protections established by the Nuremberg Code, which was adopted immediately after the end of World War II, continue to serve as a global template for how human beings are to be treated by the scientific community. But the modern equivalent of the Holocaust is now taking form under the guise of feeding the world and saving the planet, with Monsanto and others in the biotech industry routinely testing their chemicals and faux foods on the public without informed consent, just like amoral scientists did in the death camps.
As far as medical experiments go, every individual has the right under the Code to consent, or not, to being used in scientific trials or tests that involve toying around with new or unusual substances. This constitutes the essence of the Code, which expressly prohibits human experimentation unless the person being experimented on first gives his or her permission, with full disclosure of any potential adverse events.
"The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential," states the first point of the Nuremberg Code.
"This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him/her to make an understanding and enlightened decision," it adds.
Unlabeled GMOs are a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code
As far as genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are still not properly labeled in North America, the ongoing use of these untested additives in the food supply without full disclosure represents a blatant violation of the dictates of the Code. Since not a single long-term study has ever verified that GMOs are safe for human consumption, these substances are, by their very nature, experimental.
This suggests that in order for them to justifiably exist as "food," GMOs must, at the very least, be properly labeled so that people who consume them know they are present. There also must be full disclosure about the potential risks of consuming GMOs if the technology is to meet the moral obligations outlined in the Nuremberg Code.
But neither of these criteria is being met, as GMOs have remained hidden in the American food supply since the mid-1990s, without consequence. Even though copious independent research has raised major questions about GMOs and their effects on human health, practically nothing has been done to address this deliberate lack of transparency.
In fact, as you may already well know, Monsanto has been given a free pass to essentially lie to the public about the nature of GMOs, with false claims that they are materially identical to real food. Such claims only apply to concerns about food safety that affect the public, of course -- as far as patents go, Monsanto will be the first to tell you that its "intellectual property" is most certainly not the same as natural seed.
Deadly crop chemicals like Roundup, 2,4-D spreading disease and death to unwitting public
Not only are GMOs themselves a problem as far as the Nuremberg Code is concerned, but so are the chemicals used to grow them. It is the official position of Monsanto that its popular Roundup formula, which contains glyphosate as its active ingredient, is completely safe. And the American government affirms this, allowing Roundup to be sprayed at volumes of up to 200 million pounds per year.
But again, this approval is based on the biased "science" coming directly from the chemical lobby, which has a vested interest in portraying its products in the best light. There is plenty of independent science, including a 2013 study published in the journal Entropy, that point to major health problems such as infertility and cancer that can emerge from exposure to Roundup, yet none of this is considered in light of Roundup's continued heavy use.
Residential lawns, city planters, public parks, agricultural fields and much more are quietly and routinely doused in Roundup, exposing families and young children to chemical compounds that could damage their nervous systems and make them infertile. But few people know about this because, once again, full disclosure is not taking place. The American public simply isn't being given the option to consent or refuse these chemical exposures before encountering them -- these exposures, in other words, represent nothing more than weapons in a global chemical war.
"[S]ome in the bioethics movement seek to undermine this crucial human subject protection," wrote Wesley J. Smith for National Review about this departure from the Nuremberg Code in our modern context.
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