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Jun 2, 2014

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All these people have something in common?

Michigan State Offers a Course on How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse:

While these stories are definitely bizarre, and they give the Mainstream Media some pretty sensational news headlines, I would argue that these weird events are actually becoming pretty commonplace.

In my opinion, this country has been under attack by zombies for years. No, I don’t mean The Walking Dead zombies that you would typically envision. I mean the American zombies that you encounter in your everyday life by just walking out your front door.

While they may not be the long-dreaded flesh-eating Hollywood version, they sure as hell have many of the same mindless characteristics that most people would associate with zombies.

From last weeks news of 25 people being shot in one night in Chicago to the growing number of violent occupy riots, our society is quickly starting to resemble one of those Hollywood Zombie movies. Sadly, this is no movie.

BATH SALTS AND DESIGNER DRUGS: Another cause for concern?

Agitation, dangerously high body temperature, extreme paranoia, vivid hallucinations, psychotic episodes, suicidal thoughts, violent behavior and now zombie-like attacks are all being blamed on a new crop of designer drugs. These drugs, commonly referred to as Bath Salts, are nothing like the drugs of the past.

Bath salts, the street name for a new class of designer drugs, have been blamed in a number of the recent sensational zombie attack stories.

This new type of designer drugs contain a mixture of chemicals that are often concocted in underground labs across America. Surprisingly, these drugs are completely legal and are being sold in mini-marts and smoke shops throughout America.