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Warning Graphic: Flesh Eating 'Poor Man’s Heroin' Now Inside U.S.

Global Research Report

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Feb. 17, 2014

The flesh eating drug “Krokodil” has been making its way out of Russia where it originated from, and a recent report out of the border town of Nogales, Mexico is a chilling reminder of just how dangerous the drug is.

Mexican drug officials have confirmed a case where a man came in seeking treatment for dark lesions on his skin was in fact caused by Krokodil. which is made by melting codeine together with household chemicals like paint thinner.

Warning Graphic Flesh Eating “Poor Man’s Heroin” Now Inside U.S.

Leticia Amperano Gomez, the Director of Mental Health, said in January that a man who sought medical attention had all the signs of intravenous use of the drug, even though he also used crystal meth, cocaine and heroin.

The drug, which is homemade, damages the users circulatory system and causes scaly green lesions and causes flesh to actually rot off the bone. There have been numerous reported cases in America since September and most recently a Texas woman went to a Mexican hospital seeking treatment after injecting the drug into her genitals. Although some experts believe that the reports in America are overstated and the reported injuries are actually from dirty drug use instead.

Jacobo Fox Inunza, who is the director for the Center For Youth Integration said in an interview that border cities like Nogales are at the highest risk for the drug due to the high frequency of IV drug use there.

Experts believe the main reason that America hasn’t seen an outbreak of the drug is because its alternatives, like heroin, are much more readily available and cheaper than codeine to acquire. Dr. Michael Lynch, medical director for the Pittsburg Poison Center, said that “relatively accessible and inexpensive alternatives, such as heroin, make Krokodil production and use in the United States highly unlikely.”

Recently there has been an increase in batches of heroin that are spiked with fentanyl, which is a powerful synthetic opiate, that has led to at least 50 fatal overdoses in the United States since September.


There have been reports of a new drug in Russia that is gaining quite a bit of attention—and rightfully so.  The drug Krokodil is an extremely cheap version of heroin that causes black legions, limbs to fall off, and even death within two years.  Unfortunately, a man in St. Louis recently got his hands on it and, after only 7 months on the drug, has been hospitalized.

The drug Krokodil is sweeping the world as it is a significantly much cheaper drug.  As it is cheaper to make, it is cheaper to sell–but don’t forget, you get what you pay for.

The drug starts with despmorphine, a synthetic version of morphine.  From that point, drug makers put things such as, “paint thinner, gasoline, hydrochloric acid, iodine and red phosphorous (taken from the striking surface of matchboxes),” in the mix to get addicts their high.

The drug has significant physically destructive qualities that, because of the cost, drug users are ignoring.  It gets its name from the Russian for crocodile because of what it does to your skin.  The drug damages the vascular systems and veins.  When the blood can’t carry oxygen to that part of your body anymore, it begins to die.  Scaly black legions appear, and pieces of limbs have been reported to fall off.


Krokodil, “cause so much damage to blood vessels, muscles, bones and organs that most people die after two years of regular use.”

Officials became aware that the drug had entered the United States after a 30 year old man went to the hospital for excruciating pain.  Once there, doctors noticed the tell tale signs of the drug and gave the man proper treatment—which only consists of pain management.


Apparently the man had switched to Krokodil only 7 months ago after he couldn’t keep up with his $300 a week heroin habit.  At first he was quite pleased, but as time went on it began to eat away at his body.

The doctors at St. Mary’s in Clayton, Dany Thekkemuriyi and Unnikrishnan Pillai explain that, “[Krokodil] can turn an addict’s skin dark, scaly and necrotic and cause it to wither away.” They continue to say that despite the risk, “Because of ‘Krokodil’s’ ease of manufacture, low cost and potency, there is a good chance that it could become popular in the U.S.”

Does something that causes certain death within two years sound like it’s worth the risk? Let us know what you think of anyone dumb enough to pump this into their body in a comment below!

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