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Co-codamol painkiller turns unsuspecting women into drug addicts

The Unhived Mind [UHM]

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  • Jul 25, 2013
  • theunhivedmind

    The ‘safe’ painkiller that is turning unsuspecting women into drug addicts

    Co-codamol is a painkiller containing paracetamol and codeine

    Over the past decade, the number of prescriptions for it have doubled

    The majority of addicts are not men, but women


    PUBLISHED: 22:06, 22 July 2013 | UPDATED: 22:06, 22 July 2013

    A few months ago I needed emergency pain relief following surgery to repair my knee after I’d snapped several ligaments.

    It was snowing and as I was staying with friends and was still on crutches, I had to ring the out-of-hours GP to get a prescription sent to the local chemist for my prescription painkiller. But the GP refused to do this, and gruffly insisted I go in to see him.

    When I finally shuffled into his surgery, the GP winced with embarrassment and wrote out a prescription immediately.

    But I shouldn’t have been angry that he refused to prescribe my painkiller – co-codamol – over the phone: as a 37-year-old female, I am the type of patient commonly addicted to this drug.

    Over the past ten years, the number of prescriptions dispensed for co-codamol has almost doubled – from 8.8 million in 2001 to 15 million in 2011 – and some experts are calling for more care when treating patients for long-term pain.

    Co-codamol is a compound painkiller, containing two ingredients – paracetemol and the stronger, more powerful codeine, an opiate that belongs to the same family of drugs as morphine and heroin.

    While codeine is an effective pain reliever, like other opioids it creates a feeling of calm and well-being.

    And like the other, stronger opiod drugs, it can be addictive.

    ‘Patients and doctors perceive co-codamol as being the safest of all opiods, but in reality it doesn’t mean that it is safe,’ says Glasgow-based GP Des Spence.

    Studies consistently show that more women than men are addicted to opioids. They are also the ones more likely to seek help for it – the Over-Count Drugs Information Agency, a charity which deals with addiction to over-the-counter and prescription drugs, reports that 65 per cent of inquiries to their helpline are from women.

    Type ‘co-codamol addiction’ into an internet search and you’ll find websites littered with women discussing this problem. Christine, writing on the forum Netmums, says: ‘It has recently become apparent to me that I am well and truly hooked on co-codamol, which I take for back pain.

    ‘I don’t know how to even begin to come off them because every time I go over three hours without any my body aches, I feel sick, get moody and agitated.

    ‘Can anyone offer me some advice? I am scared to go to the doctor in case they stop them all together.’

    Another Netmums member, Nikki, replies: ‘I am in the same situation, I have been taking co-codamol for about five years, pretty much every day for migraines.

    ‘At first I would only take them when needed, then somehow I found myself taking them every four to five hours, even when I didn’t really have a headache – it was the relaxed warm feeling that they give me I needed a constant supply of.’

    Co-codamol is available over the counter in low-dose packs (8mg codeine/500mg paracetamol) with large warnings not to take the drug for more than three days.

    These warnings followed a 2009 Parliamentary report which highlighted the problem of addiction to low-strength co-codamol sold over the counter, and called for more awareness, control and education.

    Yet the problem is not over-the-counter co-codamol, but prescription versions. These are much stronger (30mg codeine/500mg paracetamol) and dispensed in much larger packs with no overt addiction warnings.

    There are also few guidelines on how long the drug should be prescribed – the British Pain Society advises that ‘during long-term opioid treatment, reviews should be conducted at least monthly in the first six months after stable dosing has been achieved.

    ‘Frequency of review there-after can be clinically determined by the complexity of the case, but should be at least biannually.’

    Dr Spence has become so concerned that he recently wrote in the British Medical Journal calling for ‘urgent research, action and honesty’ so the true scale of the problem can be identified.

    ‘Prescriptions of co-codamol have almost doubled in a decade and that doesn’t reflect an increase in pain, but a lack of supervision of prescriptions,’ he says, explaining that GPs are given no specific guidelines on how often to review prescriptions given to patients on repeat.

    ‘At first I would only take them when needed, then somehow I found myself taking them every four to five hours, even when I didn’t really have a headache – it was the relaxed warm feeling that they give me I needed a constant supply of.’

    ‘A few years ago, our practice noticed a large number of painkillers on repeat were being over-ordered, patients were having three times the amount they needed because the system wasn’t picking up on the orders. So we took all painkillers off repeat so patients had to be reviewed by a doctor when they wanted more.’

    Signs of addiction include growing tolerance (needing more to have the same effect), withdrawal symptoms (feeling ill if the drug is not used regularly), and using the drug in larger amounts or for longer periods than intended, says Richard Velleman, emeritus professor of mental health research at Bath University and a leading authority on substance misuse.

    One mother, 36-year-old Jo Gifford, from Cambridge, found herself addicted to co-codamol prescribed for endometriosis – an often painful condition where cells that usually line the womb are found elsewhere in the body.

    ‘I’ve been using opiates for more than ten years. Codeine is the only thing that reduces my pain,’ she says.

    ‘About five years ago I realised it wasn’t even touching my pain – I was taking more than I needed as the “hit”, that warm, fuzzy feeling of pain relief, became less and less effective.’

    Jo had cravings and would search the house for pills, asking friends and relatives for their drugs left over from dental work or other prescriptions.

    ‘I really felt like an addict, so I went cold turkey and it was like a scene from Trainspotting – I was sweaty, awake for days, shivering, fluey. I was really worried about taking it again, but it’s the only thing that will help.’

    Now, Jo limits herself to a minimal dose of co-codamol once a month – taking the low-strength over-the-counter tablets – to break the cycle of dependency.

    As Professor Velleman explains, patients need to monitor themselves, as Jo does, to avoid the risk of becoming dependent. ‘It’s not an all-or-nothing situation, where some people aren’t dependent and others are total addicts, it’s a gradual process,’ he says.

    If you’re taking the pills for more than two or three weeks, he suggests trying to cut back. And if you can’t, see your GP or local substance misuse service, or try to cut down yourself over a slow and controlled period of time – he advises against going ‘cold turkey’ when you completely stop the drug abruptly.

    Addiction to co-codamol is not something to be embarrassed about, adds Dr Spence. ‘Doctors perhaps haven’t made patients aware of the potential for addiction,’ he says.

    He also believes doctors need to acknowledge when there is a problem and help people come off it.

    But as someone who has experienced severe pain, knowing the risks of co-codamol has been a real problem.

    For having recently undergone reconstructive knee surgery, I was so concerned about over-using co-codamol as a result of my research that I didn’t give myself adequate pain relief – and was consequently told off by my surgeon, who warned me that he needed me to limit my pain so I could walk around and shorten my healing time.

    Happily, I’m now well on my way to being back to normal.

    theunhivedmind says:

    July 25, 2013 at 3:04 am

    Pain is a sign from the body that there is a problem which needs addressing at the core and correctly. Turning off this pain does not correct the problem. In fact you will only get worse because you will be creating more illness due to poisoning the liver and kidneys with synthetic drugs which are coal-tar poisons. If you had a car and the warning light for the engine management came on, would you remove the bulb and expect the car to still perform or not break down? Hows about your smoke alarm in your home going off and you simply pulling out the battery?

    To address pain problems go and see a qualified homoeopathic doctor. A member (Odie) of this site bought homoeopathic Staphisagria for his teeth problem, he was amazed to find it removed his ten-year long back pain.

    -= The Unhived Mind

    Odie says:

    July 25, 2013 at 5:13 pm

    My teeth seem to be coming along, too. :)

    It was four teeth giving me exposed nerve-like pain when I ate anything crunchy, but now it’s two giving me only a slight pain when doing the same.