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Peter R. Breggin, MD - Antidepressants & Suicide - Congressional Testimony

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Dec. 16, 2012



The dead or jailed assassins are not the ones doing the killing, not in Dallas, not in L.A., not in Memphis, and more recently, not in Aurora, Colorado or Newtown, Connecticut. Unless the assassin's target is a single person, disturbed young men on antidepressants can't be relied upon to produce a high-enough body count. Adam Lanza absolutely could have not put multiple slugs into 26 into multiple moving targets using two handguns. A Connecticut state cop has said that automatic weapons were used. As with James Holmes (or any of the other supposed shooters), we will not get the real story about the number of bulletholes in the walls, or ever learn about the extra shooters involved in the killings.


The Ari story is priceless and makes a lot of sense. There is a worldwide program to convince the feeble minded public that guns should be banned, but it hasn't worked and doesn't work and won't work. Never have I seen so many stories questioning the cops version of this. At least on the Internet, the vast majority are clued into this scam, and won't accept the official explanations. Whether that actually matters, or whether that will stop them from creating new laws, are both entirely other questions.


I still can't believe Australia agreed to give up its guns.


Best wishes,

John K.