Jon Rappoport
A prison inmate claims Holmes confessed he was a mind-controlled assassin. Paul Watson, writing at Infowars, covers the story:
There are three roads that can lead to the hugely inconvenient truth about Holmes.
One: he was set up and subjected to mind control, after which he committed the murders at the Aurora theater. He was programmed to kill.
Two: he was a patsy. He didn’t kill anybody. He was drugged and dumped in his car at the theater, set up to be arrested there, not at the door of the theater. The drug would have induced short-term amnesia. Holmes was clueless.
Three: he was a victim of standard psychiatric drugging, at the hands of any of three psychiatrists at the U of Colorado, where he had been a student. For example, ordinary “therapeutic” dosing with antidepressants like Prozac, Zoloft, or Paxil could very well have induced a homicidal rage. In that case, the U of Colorado would be bracing for a billion-dollar lawsuit.
This is one reason for the very tight information-control on the case.
It should be understood that standard psychiatric drugging and the drugging that would have taken place, in mind-control programming, are two very different protocols.
You don’t feed somebody Prozac and feel certain he will kill as directed. The SSRI antidepressants are unpredictable. Under intentional mind-control programming to kill, the drugs would have assisted accompanying hypnosis. The drugs would have induced temporary passivity and increased suggestibility.
The exception? If Holmes had been subjected to long-term mind control, all sorts of disorienting drugs could have been used to soften him up; for example, LSD at high doses, or similar designer hallucinogenics.
Nothing public has been released about the results of Holmes’ tox-screen blood tests while in jail.
It would, of course, be quite revealing to learn what drugs Holmes was given by his psychiatrist(s). If any of them, e.g, Dr. Lynne Fenton, was actually involved in programming him, they would have avoided standard meds, because such unpredictable chemicals could have disrupted Holmes’ orders to kill.
In 1995, a presidential committee set up to hear testimony on illegal radiation experiments suddenly bloomed into testimony about mind control. Two patients of New Orleans therapist, Valerie Wolf, Claudia Mullin and Cris De Nicola, took the stand and recounted how radiation had been used on them, as part of a much wider-ranging program.
They spoke about their long-term nightmare, starting as children, during which hallucinogenic drugs, spinning tables, blinking lights, hypnosis, and programming were employed to make them into agents under the CIA’s secret MKULTRA aegis. In those cases, the drugs were used to scramble their brains.
In Holmes’ case, more sophisticated means could have been deployed. For instance, electronic transmissions that would have disrupted normal functioning of his brain, and even induced thought-replacement, if he had been already placed under sufficient duress.
One of the crude forerunners of these techniques was invented by the world-famous Canadian psychiatrist, Ewen Cameron, who carried out experiments on unwitting patients during the 1950s. Partially funded by a CIA front, Cameron’s torture method was called psychic driving.
After horrendous electric shocks, drugs were given to place patients in days of prolonged sleep. Cameron then subjected them to audio tapes he made, in which he repeated phrases thousands of times, in order to produce new personalities for them.
A 2012 lawsuit filed by veterans’ groups, against the CIA and the DOD, refers to Cameron’s methods. The suit also states that two researchers, Dr. Louis West and Dr. Jose Delgado, working together under the early MKULTRA subproject 95, utilized two protocols: brain implants (“stimoceivers”) and RHIC-EDOM to program the minds of victims.
RHIC-EDOM stands for Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory. Translation: bury memory, and insert commands.
The stimoceiver was an implant developed by Delgado, who was a famous Yale researcher. He set out to prove he could control physical actions.
Delgado’s most dramatic experiment involved stepping into a ring with a bull, who had been outfitted with the stimoceiver implant. The bull charged Delgado, who pressed a button on a handheld device…and the bull stopped dead in his tracks.
In ensuing years, RHIC-EDOM and Delgado’s stimoceiver were researched using a variety of newer methods. The main objective was production of artificial emotion, thought, and action.
On the other hand, if James Holmes wasn’t an MKULTRA-type assassin, but instead a simple psychiatric patient, there is ample evidence in the medical literature to indicate murder is an outcome of various drugs.
In other words, Holmes’ personal problems weren’t enough to push him into the theater where he killed people at random. That was an ordinary effect of the drugs, which scrambled his neurotransmitter systems and literally drove him crazy.
See the work of Dr. Peter Breggin, who has been aptly called “the conscience of psychiatry.” In his first landmark book, Toxic Psychiatry, and in later books and articles, Breggin makes a clear case for psychiatric meds as the cause of suicides and homicides. (www.breggin.com)
In interviews with me, Breggin stated that, in the 1999 Columbine school-shooting case, one of the shooters, Eric Harris, was on Luvox, an SSRI antidepressant. “This type of drug,” Breggin said, “can cause the patient to kill, but also to make grandiose plans for destruction.”
Holmes as a simple patsy is the third road of investigation. There are clues to suggest this path. The “other gas mask” found at the back of the theater, after the murders, is still unexplained. It could have been cast aside by a shooter, not Holmes, during an escape.
At least two witnesses have testified there were two shooters in the theater. This, of course, suggests, a planned operation. The idea of Holmes collaborating with another killer is odd, to say the least, given the background we’ve been fed about his unstable mental condition and his loner status.
Initial reports claimed Homes surrendered himself to police, at a theater exit, after the shootings. This is contradicted by witness assertions that he was arrested in his car.
To sort out what really happened at the Aurora theater, one must follow all three tracks of inquiry.
Possible overlaps exist. Holmes could have been drugged merely to set him up as the patsy, in which case, he committed no crime at all. He could have been drugged and programmed prior to him visiting a psychiatrist at the U of Colorado. In that scenario, the basic op was enforced by psychiatric “boosters” involving, perhaps, hypnosis. Or Holmes was indeed programmed to kill and become the patsy, allowing other shooters to escape—but Holmes didn’t, finally, carry out the murders.
This last scenario resembles what happened in the 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy. Sirhan Sirhan, the patsy, did in fact have a gun at the Ambassador Hotel. But he was standing in front of RFK in the kitchen, and the shots that killed RFK came from behind. Sirhan had kept notebooks in which, prior to the assassination, he revealed an obsessed and apparently dissociated state of mind.
See this account of the RFK murder, which casts overwhelming doubt on the official story:
Holmes, like Sirhan, kept a notebook, which he mailed to his psychiatrist at the U of Colorado. What was in it?
If we ever find out, we may see even closer parallels to the RFK assassination, in which all signs pointed to Sirhan, including his programming…but those clues were laid down to divert the investigation from the real shooter, who stood behind Kennedy in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel.
Perhaps the most tantalizing clues of all come from a kind of social/media analysis. Here is a section from an earlier article of mine, “Were the Batman Murders a Covert Op?” (note: click here for the full article):
It is noteworthy that a young neuroscience student, Holmes, who was at one point studying “the biological basis of mental disorders,” winds up as an accused mass murderer who is “obviously deranged” and “suffering from a chemical imbalance in the brain.”
At this point, we go down the rabbit hole, and the pieces of the puzzle are strange.
A video has emerged of Holmes, at age 18, six years ago, lecturing to fellow attendees at a science summer camp at Miramar College in San Diego.
Holmes explains he has been studying temporal illusions and subjective experience. A temporal illusion, he states, is the idea that you can change the past.
At the Cannonfire blog (http://cannonfire.blogspot.com) there are comic-book panels posted from what Joseph Cannon calls “the most famous passage in the most famous of all Joker stories, Alan Moore’s ‘The Killing Joke.’”
The Joker is asked: “I mean, what is it with you? What made you the way you are? Girlfriend killed by the mob? Maybe brother carved up by some mugger…?”
The Joker replies: “Something like that happened to me, you know…I’m not exactly sure what it was. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another…if I’m going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice! Ha ha ha!”
James Holmes, at 18 years of age, said he was studying temporal illusion, “the idea that you can change the past,” a feat the fictional Joker had obviously accomplished.
In the last ten years, the film that explored this subject—and Holmes’ other interest, the subjectivity of experience—most deeply, through its treatment of dreams and the insertion of synthetic experience in the mind, was Inception, directed by Christopher Nolan, who of course also directed the recent Batman trilogy, including The Dark Knight Rises.
In yet another version of changing the past, in 2000 Nolan directed Memento, which unraveled its story backwards, as a victim of anterograde amnesia, who can’t store memories, tries to revenge his wife’s murder by leaving clues for himself that will lead him to the identity of her killer.
Are we simply talking about a neuroscience student’s (Holmes’) interest in comics and films, or did he participate in experiments that attempted to alter his subjective view of the world and his own past?
For example, there is wealth of information about the criminal experiments conducted by Canadian psychiatrist, Dr. Ewan Cameron, who operated with funding from the CIA during the 1950s. Cameron ran MKULTRA Subproject 68, during which he used massive electroshocks, sensory isolation, drug-induced periods of sleep (7-10 days), and audiotapes of “re-patterning” commands to attempt to wipe out patients’ pasts, their memories, their former subjective mindsets, their very personalities—in favor of recreating these patients as “new and improved people.”
As a teen, Holmes interned at the Salk Institute in San Diego. Salk carries out studies using functional MRI, a technique of brain mapping that involves correlating read-outs with various mental activities. It’s only speculation at this point, but somewhere along the line, did Holmes participate in such experiments, and were the results used to map regions of his brain for later inputs, so someone could achieve behavioral/thought control over him?
To even suggest Holmes may be a mind-control subject brings immediate criticism, to which I would offer this counter: why accept the scenario of the crime put forward by the Aurora police? Why do they deserve the benefit of the doubt? Why limit and narrow the investigation to their story?
Was law enforcement correct about the JFK and JFK and MLK assassinations? Was law enforcement correct about the Columbine massacre, in which 101 witnesses state they saw other shooters? Was law enforcement correct about the lone duo of plotters in the Oklahoma bombing? Was law enforcement correct about 9/11?
In all cases—no.
I’ll tell you this. If the authorities really wanted to know what makes James Holmes tick (a prospect I strongly doubt), their best chance would be to send someone into his cell who could talk to him about Christopher Nolan, Inception, Memento, functional MRI, and the TV series, Lost, which contained time-travel themes and was a show he and his friend, Ritchie Duong, used to watch together every week when they attended UC Riverside. Talk to Holmes about what he wants to talk about. Who knows what would eventually unravel?
It would be far more than the police wish to uncover.
Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com
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