Rocky Montana
Rocky Montana / 4-8-12
Reading the fine article below by Mike Adams, I am reminded of the many efforts of subtle mind-control, the masses have constantly undergone over the decades, by the department of propaganda within the FDA. Mike Adams and other contributors from NaturalNews have done exemplary work in informing the nation of the FDA's criminal activities. We are very fortunate to have their help. Thank you.
So the FDA says that natural fresh milk from one of God's creatures is Dangerous, while man-made synthetic chemicals are safe. They may as well say that black is white, up it down, in is out, evil is good and God is bad. This is a sign the adversary must wear about his neck as a warning- beacon to all souled beings to beware. Many awakened ones instinctively know that we are being lied to constantly by the FDA and that there is no such thing as a 'harmless synthetic chemicals'. Synthetic chemicals are not recognized by the various systems of the body; there is no organ in the body that can process these man-made chemicals; the immune system has no defense against synthetic chemicals. The liver and gall bladder effort to filter and isolate these chemicals but when these organs fill up with chemicals, disease occurs. These synthetic chemicals pollute the blood and travel to all areas of the body, lodging in any number of tissues and organs throughout the body (bladder, brain, heart, intestines, lungs, lymph nodes, muscles, dermis, etc.). Is it any wonder why America is becoming the sickest nation on Earth?
What can each of us do about this runaway train of lies, deceit and intent to harm/kill the American people by the FDA and Big Pharma? Where do you go when you have identified an injustice but it appears so large and overwhelming that you are overwhelmed and paralyzed to the point of total shut-down? I suggest that this is exactly what the adversary (and when I say "adversary" I mean The Adversary of God, God's Laws and God's people on Earth) want us to do; shutdown, capitulate, stop caring, stop discerning between right vs. wrong, between good vs. evil. Because when that happens to a people, it is very easy to control, subjugate and destroy them, which is exactly the adversary's plan.
When or if ever one feels so emotionally overwhelmed with a problem (common or personal) to the point of paralysis and total shut-down, they should not give-up. First and foremost: Clear your space and ask God for His 'Light-Shield of Protection'. Then, take a few moments and stand back from yourself to witness what you are feeling emotionally and observe how it is making you react. Remind yourself that you are in a 3D play of physically manifested experience created by God for you to learn, cope with, and overcome your fears or whatever it is that is holding you back from taking action. Know that this 3D world is not reality, but an illusion set up for our learning and passing of certain tests and challenges. It is a world which totally disappears every time we blink our eyes and every time we fall asleep. Know that this 3D world is but a tiny part of the endless dimensions of universal experience. And know that it is now, and to the end of existence, just you and Creator God. This should help calm yourself and put things into perspective.
It has been scientifically proven that just looking at an event can change its outcome. So, a passive, active and nonviolent (and therefore Godly) way of changing the way something goes is to look at it. Neutralizing a lie or common problem could be as simple as giving some mental and/or physical time to the righting of that problem once a day, twice a week, or even once a week will intensify your positive effect on that common problem. Having the courage and concern to expose the lie or common problem with others can multiply exponentially the positive effect you and others can have upon it. If this doesn't bear the desired results, ask your Angel, your Elder Brother, or your Spirit Guide -- of the God of Light -- for assistance regarding this common problem, and then await and expect an answer.
Back to the FDA. All Americans should have realized by now that the FDA, all other federal agencies, the Administration, and Congress are under the influence and control of The Adversary. They have been very busy creating an ever larger federal government with the goal of controlling every aspect of the lives of the American people while stripping us of our freedoms and rights defined within the nation's founding documents. We should also have realized that whatever comes out of the mouths of these ones are lies, half-truths, distortion, disinformation, etc. in order to effort at deceiving us. Knowing these things and wanting to do what is right should compel each of us to challenge every lie and unconstitutional edict coming from this evil government.
Become a pro-active solution to the lie or common problem. Know what the lie is, don't participate in the lie, and in this case, become a good label reader and stop purchasing foods and beverages containing synthetic chemicals. Purchase only natural foods and beverages. Clean, fresh water is the best beverage of all. In challenging the lie and not participating in it, you have already overcome the lie. You are only responsible for your thoughts, words and actions, or in the case of children, you are also responsible for their actions up until the age of their accountability. You are not responsible for everyone else in the world. But when your marshaled force of resistance is multiplied a thousand-fold, it is real Push-Back Power. Remember that it doesn't take everyone or even a majority to overcome a lie or common problem. Only approximately 5% of the Americans were needed to defeat and drive the British army out of our forming nation.
Resource: FDA says fresh milk is dangerous, but chemical BPA is perfectly safe!