Warning to vegetarians: Many prescription drugs secretly made with animal parts
S.D. Wells
(NaturalNews) Genetically modified organisms and bovine growth hormones are in thousands of prescription drugs all over the world without any warning whatsoever. Plus, over 40% of humans are allergic to either consuming or injecting gelatin, which is the most popular hidden animal part in drugs and vaccines today. In fact, the gelatin coatings, capsules and liquid additives for medicines are not made from harmless food, but rather from the skin, cartilage, connective tissues and bones of animals, and to put "nails in the coffin," these are NOT the grass and grain fed, free range, humanely treated animals, that's for sure.
For decades now, gelatin has come from abused, hormone-fed, antibiotic injected, sick, dying, and disease laden animals; which means the dead animals that even the fast food giants won't accept are dumped into grinders and made into gelatin. These poor animals that are shot up with hormones and fed GMO, pesticide-ridden corn by-products their whole lives, have blood infections from mal-nourishment and corn sugar, and this settles into their body, so when humans consume gelatin, they are also consuming these horrific, disease breeding chemicals. Many animals in CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) in the U.S. and the U.K. are also fed by-products of their own species. Remember the mad cow disease outbreaks?
Meat in Medicine and Vitamins
World wide production of gelatin exceeds 300,000 tons per year. Vegetarians and vegans are usually very careful shoppers, trying to avoid all meat products and chemicals on a regular basis, but millions of consumers do not know about gelatin and where it comes from, and that's the way the food industry likes it. Vegan or not, everyone who takes vitamins and supplements is likely eating infected animal parts when they swallow gelatin capsules.
A survey in a recent postgraduate Medical journal shows 25% of patients are unknowingly prescribed drugs containing gelatin, contrary to their beliefs. That's correct: there are unlabeled, cancer-causing growth hormones in prescription pharmaceuticals and vaccines. Are you ready to get that flu shot, or maybe the next swine flu scam shot? In vaccines, gelatin is used as a heat stabilizer and suspension agent. Allergic reactions include abdominal pain and cramping, high pitched breathing sounds, and anaphylaxis (can include swelling of the throat). Vaccine companies cannot guarantee the purity of animal cells used in their vaccine cultures.
Using common sense is vital
Would you take a pill which came in a gelatin capsule that contained a viral and bacterial mixture of the disease which that very pill's ingredients were intended to prevent? If you could inject a syringe in a diseased cow or pig's stomach, extract some blood, mix it with a small portion of a specific new disease, and then inject it into your arm, all in hopes of avoiding that disease, even though you might get it from this very procedure anyway, would you do it? Wouldn't it be wiser to just take vegetarian vitamins and minerals to build up immunity? (http://library.thinkquest.org/05aug/00112/mad_cow_frameset.htm)
In 1997, the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) met with the TSE Advisory Committee (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies; a.k.a. BSE/Mad Cow Disease) to help assess the safety of imported AND domestic gelatin, and gelatin by-products (how much worse can it get?) with regard to the risk of BSE posed by gelatin sourcing and processing. The big question at the meeting was whether the processing procedure was enough to optimally "inactivate" any contaminating agent. They all agreed that the "alkali treatment" was a key step, but also agreed that scientific evidence was "insufficient at this time to demonstrate that these treatments would effectively remove the BSE infectious agent if present in the source material." (Meaning it's too late to kill it at the factory).
TSE went on to recommend that the FDA consult "outside experts," and also assure that manufacturers adhere to these regulations. That's a complete joke, because the origin of gelatin, as defined by the FDA, states that it is "derived from either bovine, porcine (pig), or other animal source; however, no formally validated reference method to confirm the origin of gelatin's raw materials is available yet." So how are those inspections and regulations going to hold water if they don't even know where the raw materials are coming from? Maybe those raw materials are also cats, dogs and horses?
Plus, if you think for one second that the FDA, the organization which allows nearly 90% of all food to be contaminated with GMO chemicals, is going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to consult "outside experts" to review the safety of gelatin, research where it comes from, and inspect the processing plants, you're dead wrong.
Gelatin is classified as "food stuff" by the FDA, so you can be sure it took years of research and lab testing, and millions of dollars to come up with such a technical and scientific name.
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