Obama Drug Lord?
Speaking at a conference this week on communicable diseases Lavrov lashed out over Obama’s refusal to eradicate Afghanistan’s poppy crop and stated, “It is hard for us to understand why our American partners don't want the International Security Assistance Force to do this. This issue is crucial to the fight against the drug threat and, consequently, the spread of HIV/AIDS.”
Enraging Russian authorities the most was Obama’s 2009 decision to stop the eradication of Afghanistan’s poppy crop and, instead, order American military forces to actually begin protecting not only the fields where these dangerous drug plants are grown, but also protecting the transporters and manufacturers who turn it into heroin.
Since the US war against Afghanistan was launched the Bush administration paid American contractors and Afghan security personnel hundreds of millions of dollars to slash and burn individual poppy fields. Upon taking office, however, Obama regime officials stated bluntly that those efforts to eradicate Afghanistan's poppy fields had failed and ordered their destruction stopped.
Not so fast on Obama doing this on his own. The Bushes, Clinton, Clinton, Cheney and others are very much a part of this. Russia pays George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton $1.00 each for each barrel of oil passing from Russia passing through the Country of Georgia. Imagine that.
This is true and I am sorry the rest of the story cannot be provided today. But you need to know this!
The picture above is in the making of this story. Will CNN & FoxNews report. Not likely! The History Channel is most likely, in time.
The Barrack Obama & Hillary Clinton
Shock Report Says Obama Moved $85 Billion To Honduras
by TheTotalCollapse.com on April 11, 2011
An entry in the March, 2011 report prepared by the Russian Ministry of Finance for the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO) [aka INTERPOL] designed to track major international monetary transactions related to the global drug trade lists a US-EU transfer to Banco Citibank de Honduras, S.A. from Barack Hussein Obama II in the shocking amount of “$73 Billion in cash and US Securities” and “(estimated) $15 Billion in gold and silver bullion” on the same day the American President (March 22nd) was visiting El Salvador on his visit to Central America.
Important to note is that the entry in this report naming “Barack Hussein Obama II” does not list him as the American President [pictured top left with coup-ousted Honduran President Manual Zelaya], but as he is the only person in the world having this exactname one would be hard pressed to believe it could be anyone else.
The American leader’s ties with Honduras, the Central American country where this staggeringly huge deposit was made, are well known with his supporting of the2009 coup d’etat that ousted President Manual Zelaya in favor of a right-wing military junta. Under Obama’s direct orders, President Zelaya was held at the US airbase outside Tegucigalpa before being forcibly sent to San José, Costa Rica, a move that earned Honduras an expulsion from the Organization of American States (OAS) and shocked the entire Latin American World.
Zelaya had earned the wrath of both the US and the right-wing thugs arrayed against him for his efforts to stem the flow of drugs from South America to Mexico, none of which could reach the American market without traveling through Honduras. Since Zelaya’s ouster by Obama, however, Honduras is now described as a“Drug Traffickers’ Paradise.”
Since 2009 Obama has become the leading ally and cheerleader for the right-wing coop leader Porfirio Lobo, and Hillary Clinton’s US State Department is currently campaigning for Honduras to be readmitted to the OAS. Since the 2009 coup, the US has, also, built two new military bases in Honduras and increased its training of local police.
To where Obama gained access to a fortune that has made him the richest crook in the world we can glean from the special report published last week by London’s Observer newspaper wherein they detailed how one of the United States largest banks named Wachovia was discovered to have laundered over $500 Billion for Mexican and Colombian drug cartels.
The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See
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Provost Buses for the Banksters. Don't you get it? Off-Shore Bank Accounts, some found at the
Vatican Bank. Want to see the list? Ask for it.
The List
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