A Short Benzene Toxicity Primer –How to Stay Healthy
By A. True Ott, PhD
What is unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico is truly a nightmare of epic proportions. Untold
millions (if not billions) of gallons of raw crude oil, mixed with natural gas has been
spewing (not spilling) into the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico for over a month. All
efforts to plug the massive leak have ended in abject failure. Sadly, the “mainstream
media”is failing to accurately report the substantial health risks the massive oil geyser
is posing to all coastal residents.
Raw crude oil is naturally loaded with a petrochemical called benzene. Unfortunately,
several regulatory agencies (e.g., the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], and the International Agency for
Research on Cancer) classify benzene as a confirmed human carcinogen (CHC). In
other words, benzene causes cancer and other chronic disease states.
1 This paper will
1 http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/csem/benzene/physiologic_effects.html
review the dangers of benzene exposure, and offer solutions to help detoxify the body
following exposure –either via the air, or by sea water, or rain and precipitation in
contact with the skin.
The first question most people ask is: “How much benzene exposure is safe?” The
answer is: “There is no minimum safe amount.”According to one online resource, (the
Leukemia Info Center) - “Documented cases of benzene-related blood diseases date
back to before the turn of the 20th Century. The relationship between benzene and
leukemia was first reported in 1928. In 1948, the American Petroleum Institute
published a report linking benzene exposure to leukemia, concluding that the only
safe level of benzene exposure is no exposure at all. Since that date, various
studies have demonstrated that a number of trades–including plastics workers, painters,
gasoline distribution workers, petroleum refinery workers, chemical workers, rubber
workers, and printing press operators--have an increased risk of developing leukemia
and other blood cancers and blood disorders as a result of their work-related exposure
to benzene.
So sorry to break the news, but the unvarnished truth is that if you can smell raw crude,
and if the rain and ocean mists are oily, rest assured you are being exposed to
dangerous cancer-causing levels of benzene molecules. Studies have linked benzene
exposure in the mere parts per billion (ppb) range to terminal leukemia, Hodgkins
lymphoma, and other blood and immune system diseases within 5-15 years of
exposure.3 The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set a
permissible exposure limit of 1 part of benzene per million parts of air (1 ppm) in the
workplace during an 8-hour workday, 40-hour workweek. The short term exposure limit
for airborne benzene is a mere 5 ppm for 15 minutes. Typically, if one can smell raw
crude oil that has evaporated into the air from a massive oil spill, the OSHA safe limits
for “short term exposure” has been massively exceeded.
Furthermore, according to Wikipedia, “The short term breathing of high levels of
benzene can result in death, while low level inhalation can cause drowsiness, dizziness,
rapid heart rate, headaches, tremors, confusion, and unconsciousness. Eating or
drinking foods containing high levels of benzene (seafood affected by a crude oil spill for
instance) can cause vomiting, irritation of the stomach, dizziness, sleepiness,
convulsions, and death.” Get the picture?? This is very, very serious business not only
for the flora and fauna of the Gulf coast states, but also for human residents. Reports of
“oily rain” originating over the massive plume could mean that drinking water could
become contaminated with toxic benzene as well.
2 http://www.leukemiainfocenter.com/Benzene_Toxicity.html
3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzene
It is therefore, a very good idea to implement a plan for detoxification of benzene.
Benzene Detox Protocol
To be implemented within 48 hours of known benzene exposure, and continued for a
minimum of 6 consecutive months following cessation of exposure to contaminants in
order to lessen the risk of cancer and other illness. All supplements can be ordered and
shipped directly to your door by calling Mother Earth Minerals –866-989-9876 or by
visiting the website: www.meminerals.com
1. Mix 8 ounces of concentrated RealLemon juice (or the juice of 12 large fresh
lemons) per 1 gallon of STEAM DISTILLED WATER. Divide your weight by 2 –
and this is the number of ounces of pure lemon-water that must be consumed
daily. (Example: weight 200 pounds divided by 2 = 100 ounces of water
consumed.) Reason: Lemon juice is loaded with natural citric acid, (a benzenebinder
and anti-oxidant), phosphate, niacin, and of course, vitamin C. This is the
most important, and key step in detoxifying benzene from the body.
2. 12 Chlorella tablets, 3 times daily with meals. Chlorella will powerfully help the
cells remove the benzene residue, and allow the cells to utilize oxygen more
3. 2 Vitamin B oral strips daily (AM and PM).
4. 8 ounces of AquaVivos-treated distilled water daily (this is in addition to the
lemon-water). The polyphenolics in AquaVivos helps to protect the cells from
benzene-induced DNA mutation.
5. 4 Droppers each of M.E.M. liquid minerals, Boron, Zinc, Silver, and Manganese –
taken sublingually and separately.
6. 1 tsp. of Liposomal Vitamin C daily (preferably in the a.m.)
For children under 12 years of age, reduce these amounts by ½ (except the lemon
water ratios,)