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100 million guns now in the hands of Americans who oppose Obama and his army of brain-dead leftist zombies

J.D. Heyes

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Dec. 14, 2015

(NaturalNews) If you're a fan of the hit AMC series The Walking Dead, you understand that there is a lot the show teaches in terms of how to get through a SHTF scenario.

But you also know that the show packs no small amount of symbolism – i.e. the "zombie masses" can be equated to the masses of Americans who are largely or totally reliant on government programs, systems and protection that no longer exist. After society collapses, they, en masse, form a dangerous element of existence that the remaining "live" humans must constantly battle, defend against and deal with.

You could say that the group of gun-loving, Second Amendment-supporting Americans, which, thankfully, is growing, represents the "live" humans in the series, for they have made a conscious decision not to rely on a governing system they have realized cannot – and will not, and is under no constitutional mandate to – protect them.


Record gun sales

In the seven years since Barack "I've never met a gun regulation I didn't like" Obama, more than 100 million firearms have been sold to the general public. As reported by Townhall:

"Okay; now there's no denying it. President Obama, the Democratic Party, the liberal media, and other members of the progressive left are the best gun sales team of the decade."

Also, noted William La Jeunesse of Fox News, which originally reported the sales figure, "Americans are not just putting these in their closet, waiting for a burglar. They're taking classes, getting permits to protect themselves."

He also said that gun sales will often spike in a particular region following an event like a mass shooting, but the dramatic increase in gun purchases under Obama is a nationwide phenomenon. Some other notable figures in the report:

-- On Black Friday, background checks for new firearms topped 185,300, according to the FBI, which measures sales via names run through its National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS);

-- More than 2.2 million guns were sold in November (a record at the time);

-- There have been 19.8 million guns sold so far this year.

Catch a video of the original Fox News report here.

There is more good news, in terms of Americans taking responsibility for their own protection and self-defense. As Townhall's Matt Vespa noted further:

"As for concealed carry permits, John Lott of the Crime Prevention Center released a study in July, showing that they've increased 270 percent for women and 156 percent for men since 2007. There's also evidence 'that permit holding by minorities is increasing more than twice as fast as for whites.' In Chicago, the areas with the most carry permits are predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhoods.

"As for women, a lot of attention has been devoted to their increased participation in shooting and gun ownership. Across the country, women have been taking the proper courses to obtain their carry permits.

"At the same time, violent crime has never been lower, which is a point that President Obama said law enforcement should be proud of when he addressed the International Association of Chiefs of Police in October. He also said he isn't looking to take anyone's guns away."

'We won't be victimized'

"Every time a mass shootings happens, one of the saddest ironies is suddenly the purchase of guns and ammunition jumps up because folks are scared into thinking that, 'Obama's gonna use this as an excuse to take away our Second Amendment rights...Nobody's doing that," the president said.

Only, Obama – who has disgustingly promised to squeeze every ounce of political mileage out of mass shootings – has continually called for new gun restrictions. He did so again, oddly, after the terrorist attack in San Bernardino.

There are some truths about Obama, guns and The Walking Dead: A wide swath of America does not trust this president, and is steadfastly refusing to be victimized by the mindless hordes his domestic policies have created.

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