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Dave Hodges

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June 1l1, 2014

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The similarities between the Summer of 2012 Batman Dark Knight shootings, and the recent ambush of two Las Vegas police officers, are stunning. There are no shortages of Internet stories making some very obvious connections between James Holmes and Jared and Amanda Woodruff Miller. However, the political background which may have served as the impetus for the tragic event in Las Vegas, have gone unnoticed.

A Familiar Pattern of Cover Up

When JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King were assassinated in one short five year period, the modus operandi in each case was the same. All three political figures were ostensibly murdered by a lone nut assassin and each assassin possessed a diary which directly proved the guilt of Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan and James Earl Ray. In all three cases, these three murdered public figures were opposed to the Vietnam War and the corporate obsession with making money off of war. The coincidences between these three assassinations are notorious. Likewise, the obsession between the murders committed by James Holmes and Jared Miller and Amanda Woodruff Miller, cannot go unnoticed as the Vegas assassins possessed a manifesto stating their intentions. These tragic events did not occur in a vacuum. Each has a similar pattern of cover-up.

(Editor’s Note: Before continuing, a word of common sense and compassion towards the two murdered Las Vegas policemen and their families. These two officers were doing nothing but taking a well-deserved break from protecting the general public. The majority of our police officers serve with bravery and distinction as a routine part of their job.  This story is not in any designed to minimize their contributions to our society. The two men were in the wrong place at the wrong time and their memories and their families deserve our heartfelt condolences and support).

Connections Between James Holmes and the Millers

Aside from having similar cover up features for the aforementioned assassins, there are many obvious comparisons between the Batman shooter, James Holmes, and Jared Miller and Amanda Woodruff Miller which are stunning. The political background underlying these tragic events are even more stunning.