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Police officers killed in Las Vegas Shooting

The Unhived Mind

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  • Jun 9, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    9 June 2014 Last updated at 01:25

    Five dead in Las Vegas shootings

    Two people have shot and killed two police officers in the US city of Las Vegas, before killing another person and then shooting themselves.

    The incident began in a pizza cafe at 11:30 (18:30 GMT) on Sunday, when a man and a woman shot at the two officers who were having lunch.

    They then entered a Walmart shop nearby and shot one person dead, before committing suicide.

    Police say there are no other suspects in the shooting.

    ‘Tragic day’

    The woman shot her male companion before turning the gun on herself, Sheriff Doug Gillespie of the Las Vegas Metro Police Department said at a news conference.

    There was no obvious motive for the shootings.

    However, eyewitnesses said the attackers shouted “This is a revolution” as they entered Cici Pizza and shot the police officers.

    “I think in any case where people are ambushed and shot is upsetting to the public,” police spokesman Larry Hadfield told the Associated Press.

    “We don’t know anything about the suspects yet and are trying to learn more.”

    Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval later said he was devastated by the murders of the two police officers – Alyn Beck, 42, and Igor Soldo, 32 – and an innocent bystander.

    One of the officers reportedly managed to return fire in the cafe, and there was a further exchange of fire between police and the suspects in Walmart.

    “It’s a tragic day,” Sheriff Gillespie said.

    “We have a community to protect, we will do it with our heads held high.”

    theunhivedmind says:

    June 9, 2014 at 4:01 am

    This will most likely be a couple of brainwashed patsies sent to execute this event in order to allow the Federal Government to continue hounding patriots and veterans and calling them dangerous domestic terrorists. These events will continue both by the establishment and independent individuals as people keep losing jobs and keep seeing America getting flushed down the toilet by the Club of Rome. The establishment will not stop with their ordo-ab-chao events until the desires of the Iron Mountain Report are achieved meaning full gun control and the destruction of the Constitution.

    -= The Unhived Mind