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jULY 27, 2013


This happened in Ocala, FL.
The lefties want to press charges against the old guy, because the poor underprivileged thugs were retreating and no longer a threat!
 In the aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado Batman movie theater shooting, a surveillance video has surfaced that shows the simple, obvious answer to the question on everybody's mind:
The answer is revealed in the stunning short video shown below.
This remarkable solution:


* Requires no police.

* Costs the taxpayers no money.

* Requires no up-front paperwork.

* Protects innocent lives.

* Is deployed in as little as FIVE seconds.

* Works everywhere.

* Deters violent crime.

* Makes bad guys flee immediately.

* Is easy to learn.

* Functions at the local level.

* Does not require control or intervention by the United Nations or any government entity.