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Positive Gun News All Across The Country

CCRKBA - Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

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July 4, 2013

A big part of what we do at CCRKBA is to inform the patriots of our country what is actually going on. It is no secret the national media shelters us from the real stories happening every day. The national media can also drag you down with nothing but negative stories.

Every once in a while we like to show our patriots the positive gun news they may not hear otherwise. The only gun news you hear about from the national media are shootings, illegal guns, and gun control battles. It's good to concentrate on the positive to remind yourself how great the 2nd amendment and our country are.

Select Here To Help Us Continue To Protect Our Second Amendment Rights So We Can Continue To Hear Positive Gun News Rather Than Stories Where People Cannot Defend Themselves! 

BM1aYmLCMAAnpg2Obama playing with guns again:

For someone who wants to strip 2nd Amendment rights away from Americans, he sure likes his guns. While schools and cities across the nation are cracking down on kids for playing with toy guns, Obama is doing the opposite of what he preaches once again. He had another picture posted a few months ago of him holding a shotgun shooting skeet. Keep it going Obama, the more guns you are seen holding the less your word means with your coveted anti-gun friends.

Where did your support go?

For the 6th month anniversary of Sandy Hook, Obama's group, Organizing for Action, decided to hold a rally in California to call for more gun control. How many people showed up to the anti-gun rally? Three people. And the group seems proud of the turnout:

"It's three people today, but it will be 23 next time, and we'll see the time after that," said Curtis Lewis, the group's gun violence prevention coordinator.

Keep up the good work guys, even in California you cannot pull people together to buy into your anti-gun schemes.

Do not threaten his family!

A jewelry store owner in New Jersey did not take too kindly to an arm robber who threatened his family's lives. The criminal came into his store with a backup and told the store owner to fill it up with jewelry or he would open fire on people and the man's family. The store owner instantly drew his weapon, shot and killed the potential thief. The store owner has not been charged and should not be for protecting his family and people in his store.

Select Here To Help Us Continue To Protect Our Second Amendment Rights So We Can Continue To Hear Positive Gun News Rather Than Stories Where People Cannot Defend Themselves! 

CO Citizens turning on their Government:

Citizens in Colorado are not happy with the recent anti-gun laws that have been passed, especially the limits on magazine capacity. These patriots are uniting together to show their state Government they will not cooperate. Citizens are organizing events through social media telling people certain times and places to meet where they will sell, transfer, and exchange illegal magazines to show they will not abide by these new anti-2nd Amendment laws. They are not sure how the police will react since many of the police have filed suit against these new anti-gun laws.

Defend your home:

A 19 year old armed robber made his way into a man's home in Rosenberg, TX. To the criminal's surprise, the homeowner was also armed. When the intruder drew his weapon on the homeowner, the homeowner put several rounds into the criminal. He did not kill the intruder but the criminal was given to the police once he was release from the hospital. Thankfully he had a gun to defend himself and his property or this story could have a much different turnout.

With the anti-gunners trying to demonize the image of owning or carrying a firearm it is good to hear the positive outcome that can come with the responsible ownership of a firearm. All they show on the national media is tragedies that are the cause of evil people, not firearms. Here at CCRKBA it is our ultimate goal to protect your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. We will do everything in our power to make sure that right is never stripped from us. We appreciate anything you can contribute to keep our constant battle against the anti-gunners going.

Select Here To Help Us Continue To Protect Our Second Amendment Rights So We Can Continue To Hear Positive Gun News Rather Than Stories Where People Cannot Defend Themselves!

Defend America,

Alan M. Gottlieb


Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

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Citizens Committee for the Right

to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA)

Dept Code 7882-v

Liberty Park

12500 NE 10th Place

Bellevue, WA 98005

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the nation's premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States. Contributions are not tax deductible. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425) 454-4911 or by email to

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