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The AR-15: your ideal home defense weapon?

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Jan. 26, 2013

(July 22, 2012)

Need an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle because you are a “deer hunter” or a “tactical enthusiast”?  Head on over to where you can pick up one at prices ranging from $500 to $2500 or so – about what it might take to max out a credit card.  

Maginot2ix       La Ligne Maginot -- your residence of choice for home

      defense with an AR-15

Due to some archaic restrictions in the U.S. criminal code, you can't buy – legally – a version that fires more than one shot with each pull of the trigger, which is unfortunate since a fully automatic AR-15 can at least theoretically fire 800 rounds in a minute.

You can however purchase completely legally 60 or 100 round magazines for the AR-15.  Head on over to, where you can pick them up at $90.99 each for the 60 round version, and  $125.30 for the 100 rounder.  As Brownell says, “Ultra-high capacity magazines keep your rifle running longer between mag changes during competition or tactical operations.”  Sadly, Brownell reports they are out of stock of the 100 round version.  Fully loaded these magazines weigh 2 pounds each (60 round version) or 3.3 pounds each (100 round version).  

Now, I know you're thinking: “Wow, that AR-15 sounds great for my “Justice” Scalia-approved® Second Amendment home defense needs.”  And it is, provided you (and all your neighbors) live in the Maginot line, you'd be correct.  


Convert your neighbourhood into a TOTAL WAR ZONE!

Typical ammunition for the AR-15 rifle would be the Remington .223 cartridge, which is substantially equivalent to NATO standard military issue ammunition.  

In other words, except not having a fully automatic fire capacity, the AR-15 rifle you just bought from can be fully up to military standards in terms of range and penetrating power.  This means that rounds fired from the weapon remain lethal at ranges of from 400 to 600 yards, or more.  And they can readily penetrate interior and exterior walls of wood-frame houses, as this little experiment shows:


(But don't take that McGyver's word on this – here's a video showing USMC tests of wall penetration by various weapons, including single shot tests of the AR-15.)  And did I mention? -- not only do the AR-15 bullets readily penetrate your neighbour's wood-frame house, they also impart significant kinetic energy to pieces of the wall, such as splinters of plywood, which break off and fly about the room like shrapnel.

But if these things don't bother you much, feel free, by all means, to hunker down behind your (apparently) bullet-proof sofa and get your urban firefight on.

Complete your ensemble with an armored jock strap!

But let's say that you fear an imminent zombie apocalypse, and wish to invest in your trusty AR-15 with the 100 round clip to prevent your house from being overrun in classic Night of the Living Dead fashion.  What if the zombies retain sufficient brain function to be able to shoot back?  You'll need some defensive gear.  Take the example of the North Hollywood shootout on February 28, 1997, where it took 650 shots from police officers to down two bank robbers equipped with defensive armor.

That was 15 years ago, now we've got to the point where you can order your military-style kelvar helmet and ballistic faceshield for a mere $550 from, where the website informs you:

Whether you're a citizen living in a dangerous neighborhood or someone who works in dangerous urban areas on a daily basis, it is very important to be protected.

Bulletproof vests will keep you protected from the many threats that a violent urban setting can throw you into.

And don't forget the armored jock-strap for a mere $335 (“You save 11%!).   No fully-weaponized American male is complete without one of those!

 And for a complete array of various body armor components, see bullet, where I estimate you should be able to meet your full armoring needs for about $1500 or so.

A man's best friend (other than his gun).

Don't let your home defense pet go without protection either, as can supply your trusty four-legged companion with a kevlar vest as well.  Caveat defensor!  The standard size vest fits only German Shepard and similar size police type dogs, so if your present domestic defense animal is a dachshund, a corgi, or a cat, I suggest that you immediately upgrade to the larger breed/species.  The canine vest comes with standard “K-9 POLICE” emblazoned on both sides, but custom lettering is available in orders of 20 or more.  (“MICHIGAN MILITIA”?  “ARIZONA STATE BORDER PATROL”?)

Final word -- an important safety tip from Conservapedia!

Having acquired your home defense arsenal, you'll need some safety tips.  (But you won't need ANY firearms safety courses, or a license of any kind -- thank you, National Rifle Association, or Jesus ... but I repeat myself!

No, what you really need to do is stay the fuck away from Presbyterians, because, Conservapedia says, they will turn you into a mass killer with their vile talk about evolution> and teh Gay:

The Christian Post reported that the mass murderer James Holmes was heavily involved in his local Presbyterian church.  In 2012, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) passed a resolution, by a lopsided vote of 353-150, reaffirming its support of evolution. [In October of 2011, the Presbyterian Church USA ordained its first homosexual "minister".

Did James Holmes attend a evolution and homosexuality promoting/condoning liberal "church" or a Bible Presbyterian church which are fewer in number? Darwinism has a bloodstained legacy and has been linked to a decline in morality.