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Idaho Planned Community, The Citadel, Would Require Everyone to Bear Arms

Graham Wood

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Jan. 17, 2012












Plan for The Citadel in Idaho


A group of online organizers and a gun company are planning to build a fortified city in Idaho called The Citadel, where every resident from age 13 and up would be armed with guns. The goal of the community is to "fiercely" protect the ideals of American liberty and to be prepared for catastrophe of any kind. According to the Citadel website, the planned community is making room for 3,500 to 7,000 "patriotic American families who agree that being prepared for the emergencies of life and being proficient with the American icon of Liberty -- the Rifle -- are prudent measures. There will be no HOA. There will be no recycling police and no local ordinance enforcers from City Hall."


More than 200 people have already signed up to live in the fortified city, the Boise Statesman. The group, led by the III Arms gun company, has reportedly purchased 20 acres in western Idaho to begin construction. An arms factory is planned to be housed in the community, which will be surrounded by high walls with lookout posts. Dennis Miller, who says he is the president of III Arms, explained the logic behind building a gun-toting community in this YouTube video:



The construction of the Citadel hasn't officially kicked off yet, and some are skeptical that it will ever get off the ground. Idaho State Rep. Cindy Agidius told KBOI-TV in Boise that she thinks it could be just pie-in-the-sky. "When I look at plans for this community, it looks pretty far-fetched," she said. "We're talking about building a castle, basically. That's an awful lot of capital."


Citadel organizers have said they will accept anyone who wants to be a part of the community, but its website warns that "Marxists, Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles." In the Citadel, life will be governed by Thomas Jefferson's ideals of liberty, the group said. People wanting to become part of the Citadel community must pay a $208 application fee and sign a Patriot Agreement, which requires all residents that meet the age criteria to be armed with an AR-15 rifle, ammo and other supplies.


Read more on AOL's series, "Guns in America":

NRA Puts Its Mouth Where Its Money Is With Ads Targeting Obama Kids

Gun Safety at Home: Stolen Firearms a Big Problem, Statistics Show

Guns and the Energy Sector: Risk Awareness Grows


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