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Kentucky Sheriff Denny Peyman upholds the 2nd Ammendment!!!!

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Published on Jan 14, 2013

Patriot Kentucky Sheriff: I Will Not Enforce Federal Gun Grabbing Laws "I would be ashamed if a founding father were in this room now; You are never going to pull a gun from Jackson County" Steve Watson Jan 14, 2013 Amid sustained vows from the federal government and State lawmakers to institute sweeping gun control laws, one Sheriff is standing up and declaring that he will not see his county disarmed. In an emotional speech to residents, Sheriff Denny Peyman of Jackson County, Kentucky, held a town hall meeting Saturday to reassure residents that as long as he is in charge, federal gun grabbing laws will not be upheld in his county. "You'll understand me very well when you leave here today, and why we're all still going to have our guns here in Jackson." Peyman said in his opening address to his people. "I am responsible for the people inside this county... I couldn't justify, if Obama passes this, it doesn't matter what he passes, the sheriff has more power than the federal people." Peyman urged. "They need to go back and study that.

We are a commonwealth. I can ask federal people to leave, they have to leave. I can ask state people to leave, they have to leave." "I am the highest elected official in this county, and this is the only opportunity the people have to speak for themselves and say 'this is what we want.'" Peyman told the audience. Referring to interviews he has recently conducted with local journalists, Peyman said "They asked 'how are you going to pull these guns?', and I said 'you are never going to pull a gun from Jackson County." In an interview with the Lexington Herald-Leader this past weekend, Peyman also stated "I consider this a moral obligation... My office will not comply with any federal actions which violate the United States Constitution or the Kentucky Constitution which I swore to uphold." In a separate interview with WKYT news, Peyman spoke about what would happen if the federal government attempted to disarm people in Jackson County: "We'll see when push comes to shove. It's going to have to go into the courtrooms. It's not going to be, I mean we don't want a bloodbath in our community when they come in to take guns," he said.

"It's going to have to be taken care of in a court room before it gets to that point." "The only thing I've ever told people if someone is kicking or coming in their front door, is I only have to listen to one side of the story." the Sheriff stated at the town hall meeting. "I can't get there quick enough to help those people. My best help to them is to let them keep their firearms... There is nobody who doesn't really need to have one." Peyman then referred to the sanctity of the US Constitution, noting "The Second Amendment makes that pretty clear. Our forefathers made that clear, otherwise it would not have been so high [on the Constitution]. It would have been down the list somewhere." "This is the part that is emotional to me," The sheriff said, his voice cracking.

"I would be ashamed if one of them was in this room right now, and having to listen to what we're having to talk about. I would be ashamed to have them sit here and listen to them talk about all the people that given their rights for this right for us, and we just give it up so flippantly just because somebody says so. If we did everything that somebody says so, we would not be a country today." "I talk about what I can do for my county. I can't stand up for other counties, I can't do it for them, but I can stand up for my people." Peyman vowed. "I was one of the first people to say, I think they need to arm school teachers. Not all of them, but there is somebody that needs to have a weapon." The sheriff then spoke about how the media glamorizes mass shootings and makes them appealing to copycat wannabe's. "What would happen if the first two or three that tried it got shot coming in the front door?" Peyman said. "They wouldn't do that anymore, it would be taken from them, there's no glory in that for them."

"In Jackson county, as long as I am Sheriff here, I got children, I got family, I got friends, I got everybody here, and I feel a whole lot better coming into a room if I know everybody is packing, than if I'm the only one, because if they take me out first, then they take everybody else out too." the Sheriff concluded. Sheriff Denny Peyman should be commended for his fine job in upholding constitutional rights. He is a shining example to other law enforcement officers who should take note of his concerns regarding the ongoing attack on the Second Amendment. Rest assured, Peyman is also not the only Sheriff ready to stand up and defend the rights of his people.