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Total media blackout on shooting where private citizen stopped mass murder by using a gun

J.D. Heyes

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Jan. 7, 2012

(NaturalNews) Just two days after the horrible massacre of 20 Kindergarten children and six adults by an armed psychotic, another mass murder did not take place at a movie theater in San Antonio.

For those of you who don't live in that south Texas city, did you read about this non-massacre in your local paper? Did you see it online? Hear about it on the radio or television?

If not, trust us when we say it's not your fault. It's the fault of the mainstream media, for they have once again failed in their mission to be impartial conveyers of news and information because of an anti-gun agenda.

Late in the evening of December 16, two people were wounded after gunfire erupted at a local movie theater; the shots, of course, sent panicked moviegoers scrambling for the exits and ducking for any cover they could find.

No stacks of bodies to photograph so nothing happened, right?

But what happened next was not the ending we are all tired of hearing about - a lone, armed gunman mowing down scores of helpless, unarmed people whose only "crime" was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Remember, though, this is Texas, and Texans take their constitutional rights seriously, especially their right of self-defense.

Rather than nationwide headlines of carnage and photographs of sobbing family members, silence from the mainstream media - because the script took a twist.

There were no stacks of bloodied bodies because the gunman was stopped by an armed, off-duty law enforcement officer who used his firearm to protect himself and others.

According to the San Antonio News-Express, witnesses reported that numerous shots were fired inside and outside the Santikos Mayan Palace 14 theater complex, which set off a scramble to safety as cops and emergency medical personnel responded.

Detective Louis Antu, a spokesman for the Bexar County Sheriff's Office, said the shooting began near the theater, at a China Garden restaurant. At one point the suspect even took a few shots at a San Antonio Police cruiser, Antu said.

"He was shooting at a marked unit," Antu said. "He knows he was shooting at an officer so that's (an) automatic (charge of) attempted capital murder."

Once the suspect reached the theater, however, an female off-duty Bexar County Sheriff deputy who happened to be working at the theater (and was obviously armed), shot back and struck him.

"She took all appropriate action to keep everyone safe in the movie theater," Antu said.

Witness Tara Grace, who was buying a drink from the concession stand when the shooting began, ran into a nearby bathroom and locked herself in a stall with five other moviegoers to get out of the way. "We thought we were going to die," she said.

But she didn't - because an armed citizen protected her and the other patrons.

This time, there was no Aurora

Understandably, many theater-goers immediately invoked memories of the mass murders in Aurora, Colo., at this past summer's premier of the newest Batman movie; there, 12 people were killed and another 58 were wounded - because no one else at the theater was armed, or even allowed to be armed.

What happened at the San Antonio theater "brings back memories of the other theater shooting, and the elementary school shooting," said Cassandra Castillo as she waited outside the theater for her son, who is a projectionist there. "You only think the worst."

And that's because government policies only provide for one outcome in these kinds of situations - the worst outcome.

But when trained, armed citizens are permitted full access to their constitutional right of self-defense, the worst outcomes in such dire situations can, and very often are, avoided.

It's just too bad you don't hear much about these heroes and how they are able to use our wonderful Constitution to save lives. You can thank the corporate media and their blatant anti-gun agenda for that.
