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Gun Grab false-flag 2 as US Firefighters shot dead at blaze

The Unhived Mind [UHM]

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December 24, 2012 6:21 pm TheUnhivedMind 1 Comment

US firefighters shot dead at blaze in Webster, New York

Webster Police Chief Gerald Pickering on the shootings

24 December 2012 Last updated at 18:14 GMT

Two volunteer firefighters have been shot dead and two injured while responding to an emergency call in the town of Webster in New York state.

It appears the four were fired upon as they arrived at the scene of a fire early on Monday morning.

The blaze broke out just before 06:00 local time (11:00 GMT) and the shooting reportedly prevented firefighters putting it out for several hours.

A gunman has been found dead at the scene, local police say.

“Upon arrival of the first… engine company and some firefighters in their personal vehicles, they underwent gunfire from a location unknown,” Webster’s Fire Marshal Rob Boutillier told reporters.

The two dead firefighters were named by police as Tomasz Kaczowka and Mike Chiapperini.

An off-duty policeman who was driving by the scene at the time received shrapnel wounds and was also being treated, Webster Police Chief Gerald Pickering told reporters.

Police spokesmen said the area was “an active crime scene” but that no more shooters were believed to be present.

‘Senseless act’

Police teams moved in to evacuate residents after the shooting.

Firefighters were then able to return to the scene and are now tackling the blaze.

“All of our thoughts and prayers go to the families and friends of those who were killed in this senseless act of violence,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a statement.

“The contributions made by the fallen and injured officers in Webster will never be forgotten,” New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said.

“As this investigation unfolds, we stand with our partners in law enforcement to ensure that lethal weapons are out of the hands of dangerous people, so that the brave New Yorkers who risk their lives every day to protect us are not exposed to additional danger,” he added.

Also on Monday, a policeman was shot dead in the city of Houston, Texas after the driver of a car he pulled over opened fire on him.

The debate on gun violence in the US was rekindled earlier this month by the shootings at a school in Newtown, Connecticut, which left 20 children and six adults dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

It was one of the worst mass shootings in American history.

“There’s a heightened awareness to this kind of violence in light of what happened in Connecticut,” said Maggie Brooks, leader of the local administration in Monroe County, the area which includes Webster.

“We have first responders and we have families who are in pain and crisis today and we need to, as a community, keep them in our thoughts and prayers,” Mrs Brooks said, adding that it was a “very, very difficult day”.

President Obama has promised to push for action on gun control while the National Rifle Association (NRA) has called for armed security in all American schools.

Are you in Webster? Did you witness anything? Have you been affected by this story? Please share your comments and experiences

TheUnhivedMind on December 24, 2012 at 6:22 pm said:

Just another sick set-up by military intelligence by proxy in order to aid the future confiscation of guns either by force or by color of law (fiction) statutes and legislation. Hillary Clinton cannot wait to remove all the guns from the United States for the United Nations World Marxist dictatorship state coming shortly. Once again nothing more than Ordo-Ab-Chao commanded by the Valley of Dallas, Scottish Rite for the takeover and destruction of the United States. Barry Soetoro aka Obama gave his pathetic acting and crocodile tears after his intelligence operations commit the crime for the problem-solution-reaction(gun control). How many times have we found out that these so-called lone gunmen events have turned out to be multiple gunmen? During the U.S. Election Obama made out he was against gun grabbing except for assault weapons. This was to aid and veil himself for the coming future events like this they have planned. So when they attempt to hinder guns in the U.S. even further the majority of the people will not lay blame solely at Obama’s feet. They know what they have planned and work to this plan which always deceives the people constantly. All at a time where they want to set in place the vile UN Arms Treaty.

-= The Unhived Mind

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