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Celebrities Call to Ban Guns From Government

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Dec. 26, 2012


This has to be one of the most juvenile, brain-dead, and pathetic put ups, ever produced, by you-know-Jew. This commercial has nothing to do with disarming government, nor to stop the killing which all governments tout as their own personal purview and right to carry out; whenever, and wherever they choose, so let's juxtapose this piece of  tripe, against the truth and facts as we now know them to be.


First off, the Jews behind this commercial, know very well, that their current US Jew Government Brethren are at war with every Open-Range, and Grain-Fed Goyim in America, constituting 95% of the  overall population.


Secondly, They, that is the Kikes who had anything to do with this ridiculous, Machiavellian, good cop, bad cop, piece of feigned sentiment, also know that Murder Inc. does not take kindly to silly petitions and protestations from slaves, which we all are in their eyes, and have been arguably since 1812. (America, thus Americans,  are a conquered people, no different than subject serfs.) 


So what is the real intent of this video you might ask, maybe?


The real intent is to convince you and me,  that it is possible to convince the United States Satanic Jew Murdering Machine, to voluntarily stop, "by requesting same cease and desist their aged old policy of population reduction, and global genocide,  because if they don't, then we will do what?" Whip them with a wet noodle? Give up PTA meetings, not support the Red Communist Cross? Burn our underwear? Bunkey, Boobies, my fellow American Open Range and Grain Fed Goyim, who and what do you imagine we are dealing with here? Soupy Sales?


The current collective group of deviant, homicidal, psychopaths, running US Corp, will never voluntarily cede power. Nor will they ever negotiate with slaves, and are well prepared to deal with the likes of open insurrection, and challenge to their authority.  


US Murder Inc. has been developing, building, and constantly upgrading their killing machinery for the last 130 years; all with the intention of someday using it to slaughter Americans, like livestock, with no consideration for age, gender, or social status. 


It is coming Sports Fans, this government will summarily, and overtly turn on the people, because the people are waking up, and because time is running out for them to put us down with certainty, knowing full well that for the most part we are still ill equipped and sorely unprepared to counter legion(s) of unthinking, uncaring, and unconscionable cyborg shock troops. 


One final note: "The same dirt bags who took part in this video, would also have you surrender your guns as well, and no doubt openly advocate such amongst their other matzo tribal members."


Patrick Henry:


"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined. The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able may have a gun."