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Guns, I Will Keep, The Police Can Keep the Flu Shot and Shove it!

The Lone Star Watchdog

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Dec. 4, 2012

Guns for a Flu Shot to Get a Person Sick is Stupid. The Free Market is Making these Gun Buybacks Fail. Because People With Cash Will Pay Far More Than a $25 or $50 Wal Mart Gift Card. Money Talks and Government BS Walks. Guns are in high Demand the Government Cannot compete with gun buybacks that pays far less than Market Value.

Guns we are told are bad. We are told they are the cause for senseless violence. So lets have the law abiding people turn in their guns for a flu shot that can make them sick..A Gun buy back for a flu shot? The Police in Massachusetts  can keep the flu shot and stick it where the sun don’t shine. The CDC is saying flu season will be bad is a bunch of hogwash. The are promoting the vaccine makers. How do you avoid getting the flu? Do not take the flu shot. Everyone I know who taken the vaccine has gotten sick with the flu. The shot gave them the flu. So why would I turn in my guns that is my liberty teeth then get a shot that will most likely give me the flu.

If people go turn in their firearms for a flu shot with a Wal Mart gift card. They are stupid!

In the past gun buybacks. The patriots have been known make the police go broke with guns that did not work. During a gun buy back in Austin Texas. Instead of people turning in  guns to the government. The patriots raised funds. They brought the guns  to be put back in the hands of freedom loving people who could not afford to be armed. Turning in a gun for a Wal Mart gift card for $25 or $50 for food is a rip off or government sanctioned highway robbery. There is someone with cash always ready to buy that firearm for much more than chump change the police will give you.

If anyone is hungry, do not go to a gun buy back program giving up all your firearms so they can possibly smuggled into Mexico or to be destroyed by the government. There is a patriot with the cash to pay for one of your firearms instead of giving them all up for food at Wal Mart. Purchasing guns is in high demand now with the recent reelection of Barrack Obama. You do not have to give up all your guns for a Wal Mart gift card is chump change. Selling one rifle for above market above value to a willing buyer with the cash is better than surrendering all you guns less money is stupid. Selling one of your guns, you can get much more than giving them all up for Wal Mart gift cards. There is a willing buyer out there who will give you much more.


If you need to sell one of your guns. Government gun buybacks are a rip off. There are plenty of people willing to buy your rifle or handgun for full market value. Guns are in demand by people who will offer more than a small penitence the police will give you.   The government cannot compete in these gun buybacks because guns are in demand. It is a sellers market. Why give them to the police who will not give you the real value for the gun. Instead give them to people who will offer more and it is cash. Guns belong in the hands of a free people spread out all over then in the hands of a tyrannical government.

This is a lesson of the free market at work here. The truth is the government cannot compete with these gun back programs when someone is willing to give more for a shotgun or a handgun that is far more than a Wal Mart gift card. Why turn in a gun for a flu shot when Wal Mart, Walgreens and C VS gives them for free? It says the government is not in reality. Gun buybacks now cannot compete with the demand. Cash and how much speaks louder than words. Money talks, government BS walks.

The demand for guns is high. it is more prudent to sell one gun to a person who wants to keeps his freedom who has the money. Do you Agree?