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Bloomberg Heads Group Of Thugs Against Guns

CCRKBA - Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

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Dec. 3, 2012

Mayor Michael Bloomberg dreams of taking away our guns and will clearly take any means necessary to do so.

His latest attempt to spread the word nationally that guns are evil was when he put together a coalition of sorts named Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Mayor Bloomberg also set up a PAC with millions of dollars to go after pro-gun rights people running for office. We're not going to let him attack our rights scot-free. We're going to attack back.

All of us are against illegal guns Mr. Mayor, maybe their group should be called Mayors Against LEGAL Guns. This group of people Bloomberg has assembled are scattered all throughout the United States lobbying for new gun control laws. The interesting part about this group of lobbyists is that many of them cannot legally own a firearm due to their criminal past yet these are the people Mr. Bloomberg hired. If Mayor Bloomberg wants to align himself with this criminal element of mayors to push for gun control, we think the public should know about it.

Select Here To Help Us Continue The Fight To Protect Our Second Amendment Rights By Exposing Mayor Bloomberg's Coalition Of Criminals!

Maybe Bloomberg should be looking for background checks of who he signs up to be in his mayor's coalition rather than worrying about background checks of gun owners. This is a list of current or former members of Bloomberg's posse and their squeaky clean or rather sickening records:

Sheila Dixon - Baltimore, MD

Convicted of perjury and embezzling fundsmeant for charity

Eddie Perez - Hartford, CT

Convicted of bribery and extortion

Gary Becker - Racine, WI

Convicted of attempted child molestation and luring a child for illicit purposes

David Donna - Guttenberg, NJ Convicted of extortion and tax fraud

Buddy Cianci - Providence, RI

Convicted of assault and racketeering

Frank Melton - Jackson, MS

Convicted of violating his own

Samuel Rivera - Passaic, NJ

Convicted of extortion and accepting bribes

Richard Corkery - Coaldale, PA

Convicted of child pornography and bail violations

Jeremiah Healy - Jersey City, NJ

Convicted of disorderly conductand resisting arrest

Adam Bradley - White Plains, NY

Convicted of domestic violence charges

Will Wynn - Austin, TX

Convicted of assault

Gordon Jenkins - Monticello, NY

Pled guilty on five counts of trademark counterfeiting

Kwame Kilpatrick - Detroit, MI

Convicted of assault on a police officer and perjury. Convicted on 60 counts of bribery, fraud, moneylaundering, tax evasion

Roosevelt Dorn - Inglewood, CA

Pled guilty to public corruption and embezzlement charges

Pat M. Ahumada Jr. - Brownsville, TX

Arrested three times for driving while intoxicated

April Almond - East Haven, CT

Arrested and charged for interfering with a police officer

Tony Mack - Trenton, NJ

Recently charged for accepting $119,000 in bribes


Select Here To Help Us Continue The Fight To Protect Our Second Amendment Rights By Exposing Mayor Bloomberg's Coalition Of Criminals!

Michael Bloomberg created this group to further his personal agenda of public disarmament. In short, many of these elitist politicians can no longer own firearms. The crimes they were convicted of suggest they are public enemies rather than public servants. No wonder they want to take guns from law-abiding citizens.

While Michael Bloomberg has been campaigning to turn gun owners into criminals, the criminals in his own ranks were engaged in such activities as tax evasion, extortion, accepting bribes, child pornography, trademark counterfeiting and perjury. One was even convicted of assaulting a police officer.

And these people have the audacity to smear law-abiding gun owners as potential criminals, simply because they exercise their constitutional right to keep and bear arms. He should pay more attention to what his friends are up to than worry about the gun owners he's been trying to demonize.

Select Here To Help Us Continue The Fight To Protect Our Second Amendment Rights By Exposing Mayor Bloomberg's Coalition Of Criminals!


Gun control affects law abiding citizens not criminals. There will always be a way for them to get weapons. We will not surrender to the gun control agenda, you can make a difference.



Alan M. Gottlieb


Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:

Citizens Committee for the Right

to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA)

Dept Code 7031-n-ga

Liberty Park

12500 NE 10th Place

Bellevue, WA 98005

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the nation's premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States. Contributions are not tax deductible. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425) 454-4911 or by email to Patriot@CCRKBAUpdate.or