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After Trump Pushes Supreme Court Nominee Forward – Biden Threatens To Make Roe V. Wade ‘The Law Of The Land’

Adam Casalino

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What’s Happening:

Even with the upcoming election and confusion over COVID cases, business is still going on at the White House.

President Trump and Senate Republicans are committed to getting Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court.

That means the court will have a strong, conservative majority. Already Democrats fear they might overturn landmark rulings, including Roe v. Wade.

And Joe Biden has preemptively made a promise to his radical base of what he’d do if that happens:

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, who once considered himself a “pro-life Democrat” told an NBC town hall event Monday night that he would enshrine abortion rights in federal law if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade…

“…the only thing–the only responsible response to that would be to pass legislation making Roe the law of the land,” Biden said.

Joe Biden said during a town hall that if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, he as president would make abortion the “law of the land.”

This is troubling for several reasons.

First of all, Joe Biden has long claimed to be a “pro-life” Democrat. He’s said he’s a devout Catholic who believes personally in pro-life.

Yet he has, over the campaign, embraced far-left policy on abortion, including this latest statement.

Did he change his views on this life-and-death issue so easily?

Secondly, this appears to conflict with his latest claims that he’s not far-left and has even “beaten” the socialist.

Biden recently has tried to win over moderates by distancing himself from allies like Bernie Sanders. But promising to force abortion onto the country through legislation is far from a moderate view.

How can anyone believe Joe’s “moderate” if he’s promising that?

Finally, this statement suggests Joe will, as president, have very little respect for the decisions of the Supreme Court.

If the court overturns Roe v. Wade, that means they believe the original decision (or abortion itself) is un-Constitutional. That is their responsibility as the third branch of our government.

But Biden is already promising to invalidate the power of the judicial branch in this way, by just ramming a bill through Congress.

Is that what a president is supposed to do—for any issue?

Key Takeaways: