Election fraud deadline . . .
Mat Staver
The Democrats have set a short window to pass their election fraud bills. They are desperately escalating demands on fellow members for results.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) issued public threats to destroy the filibuster rule by January 17 if one of their election fraud bills hasn’t passed.
This gives the Senate only six business days until Schumer’s deadline.
Party leaders will be shoving as hard as they can to get these bills through between now and January 17. Sen. Joe Manchin and other susceptible senators need to hear from you. Send your faxes and petition to key senators to stop these bills. — Mat
Right now, 49 U.S. Democrat senators have co-sponsored the Democrats highest priority election fraud bill (HR 1, now S 1). In opposition, every Republican senator and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) are blocking the bills from either passing through the budget reconciliation window or after destroying the filibuster.
If we lose just one senator, from either side of the aisle, these election fraud bills will pass ... and will devastate elections for 2022 and beyond.
These horrendous bills include thousands of pages with countless new mandates that will do all the following:
Punish anyone who questions the validity of the voter.
Ban voter ID laws.
Permit same-day registration.
Allow people to vote outside their precinct.
Seize authority from the states and place the federal government in complete control.
Automatically register all individuals (as opposed to just “citizens”) from age 16, and require non-voters to opt out.
Register convicted felons before they have paid for their crimes.
Mandate no-fault mail-in ballots.
Force states to accept mail-in ballots up to 10 days after Election Day.
Prevent poll watchers from cooperating with election officials to identify and challenge voter registrations concerning fraud.
With same-day registration, no ID and no ability to verify a voter, a person can go from precinct to precinct voting multiple times under different names and cannot be caught before their phony ballots are combined with legitimate votes.
This is just the beginning of how these bills will legalize election fraud. If any one of these bills passes, your vote will become meaningless. We must stop them NOW! Send your urgent faxes to the Senate and demand that the election fraud bills be stopped before they cause incalculable damage to our nation.
Many states require in-person registration where the voter must be physically present in the community. If a person registers under multiple names in the same community, the fraudster runs the risk of quickly being identified, detained and even prosecuted. Under these bills, fraudsters could register anywhere multiple times, even on Election Day.
None of these safeguards apply to online voter registration! One person could register hundreds, or even thousands of times, with little to no physical identification.
These bills will force states to accept these voter registrations online without even demonstrating physical proof of residency.
If any one of these bills passes, they will undo every election reform law passed by the states. We cannot allow D.C. bureaucrats or the Department of Justice Deep State to destroy our elections!
These bills will allow greater election fraud than occurred in any prior election and provide permanent measures to protect criminals who are stealing our votes! All future federal elections are on the line, and we need to kill these bills. Send your faxes and petition to key senators NOW!
Election integrity and trust can be restored. The Democratic leadership is concerned that so many states have passed election reform laws in 2021, and more will do so this year. They are frantic to pass these election fraud bills to stop the states from passing election reform laws.
The manipulation and pressure of Democrat senators by their party is shocking. We must take it seriously. If we lose one senator, these bills will pass, and we will never have fair elections.
These bills are a serious threat to our nation. But we can stop them. We did in 2021, and we can do so again in 2022. Click to send your critical faxes directly to key senators today.
LCA is fighting these bills with all our resources on Capitol Hill. But we can only stand in the gap because of your support. Each month, we rely 100% on the support of people like you to continue fighting these battles. As we start a new month, please support Liberty Counsel Action.
Our Challenge Grant has been extended. DOUBLE the impact of your gift today.
Thank you!
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021. (2021, Jan 4). 117th Congress (2021-2022 Session).
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.