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Congress: Voting for Biden Electors Will Make Them ACCOMPLICES to the Fraud; They will then be "Guilty" Persons

Hal Truner

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Congress: Voting for Biden Electors Will Make Them ACCOMPLICES to the Fraud; They will then be "Guilty" Persons

On January 6, both houses of the US Congress (House of representatives and the Senate) will meet in the US Capital to "count" the Electoral Votes from the November 3 Election.   To many people, how they vote will determine, or seal, their fate.

The American people witnessed with their own eyes, a level of fraud and criminality during the November 3 election, that has not been seen ever before in the history of the United States.

On their own television sets, during the live coverage of election ballot counting, Americans in state after state, witnessed TV stations broadcasting the actual SWITCHING of votes from President Trump to Joe Biden.  In the two photos above, you can see for yourself what every American could see watching CNN that night: Twenty-Thousand votes magically get deducted from Trump and added to Biden . . . on live TV.  Here are some recordings of other switches taking place:


This is the simplest to follow.  Watch the Florida vote totals for Trump and Biden in the white bars along the bottom of the TV screen.  Trump is at 4.702 million.   Minutes later, Trump DROPS 1,364 votes.  On live TV!!!  How can you LOSE votes when counting up from zero?   Fraud, that's how!


Here are more . . .





Video clip from Election Night where Wisconsin broadcasted voter results demonstrating voter software fraud. It is unusual for voter tallies to drastically jump 10% for a candidate (Biden) outpacing past voter ratios by double; resulting in a flip in leading candidate.


Video clips from Election Night where Virginia broadcasted voter results demonstrate voter software fraud. It is impossible for voter tallies to ever decrease or increase 29% in minutes.

There were other frauds as well.   

In Detroit, MI, the vote counters were so brazen about the fraud they were committing, they used cardboard to cover the windows of the counting center, so people outside could not see the crimes being committed!

This came on top of cars and vans - with OUT OF STATE LICENSE PLATES - arriving at the back door of this facility around 3:30 in the morning, unloading boxes and boxes of PHONY Ballots . . . all for Joe Biden!

In Atlanta, GA, officials falsely claimed a broken water main required they cease counting.  There was a dripping faucet which was fixed by a Janitor with a wrench, but they shut down counting anyway.

As counters and election observers were shuffled OUT of the counting room, Democrats walked over to a table, covered by a cloth, and started taking out case after case of Ballots, all for Joe Biden, and putting them into counting machines while there were no observers in the room.  Some of the ballots were put through the counting machines EIGHT TIMES, all caught on security camera video below:

Ballots thrown in trash; thrown in ditches

The US Justice Department released a statement from the U.S. attorney in the Pennsylvania region.

“At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded” by county election officials, it read. “Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot. All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.”

In Kentucky, WLKY-TV reported hundreds of Ballots intentionally thrown out by a Postal Worker (HERE)

In Oklahoma, two men planning a wedding reception at a facility used the previous day for voting, found Ballots SHREDDED and in trash cans.  Here's video:

Later, we came to find out that according to Pennsylvania voter records, there are 202,000 MORE VOTES than Voters who cast ballots!

We also came to find out that the Arizona state legislature is investigating rampant vote fraud in Phoenix, which is in Maricopa County.  The state legislature ordered the voting machines to be forensically examined.  The county board of supervisors REFUSED.   

So the state legislature sent a Subpoena.  That same county board of supervisors REFUSED THE SUBPOENA and filed a lawsuit to delay turning over the voting machines!  What are they hiding?  FRAUD!

In Ware County, GA, forensic examiners tested the vote tabulation machines by inserting an EQUAL NUMBER of Trump and Biden votes.  When the machine reported the totals, it gave Biden a 26% lead.  So shocked were the forensic experts, they ran the test again.  Same result!

In Philadelphia, Republican Ballot Observers were physically thrown out of the ballot counting room so they could not observe.  They went to court and obtained a Court Order, signed by a Judge, requiring they be admitted back into the counting area.  City officials REFUSED to comply.  So the Republicans took the court order to the county sheriff.  The County Sheriff REFUSED TO ENFORCE THE COURT ORDER!

In state after state, city after city, there were similar acts of criminal fraud.


We even have states ignoring their own state and federal election laws, and by disregarding these laws, their election results must be nullified. Either that, or we’re no longer a country governed by laws.

In California state law, the election code is titled “Division 13. BALLOTS, SAMPLE BALLOTS, AND VOTER PAMPHLETS.”

In Article 1 of this code we find Election Code 13200, which reads as follows:

“Ballots not printed in accordance with the chapter [Chapter 3] shall not be cast nor counted at any election.”

That’s straightforward English. It’s at the 9th grade reading level, so California’s election officials can understand it.

When we read a little further, we find Section 13205. Since we’re talking about the election of the President and Vice President, we’ll look at the applicable subsection:

13205 (b). In elections when electors of President and Vice President of the United States are to be chosen, there shall be placed upon the ballot, in addition to the instructions to voters as provided in this chapter, an instruction as follows:

“To vote for all of the electors of a party, mark the voting target next to the names of the presidential and vice presidential candidates of that party. A mark of the voting target next to the name of a party and its presidential and vice presidential candidate, is a vote for all of the electors of that party, but for no other candidates.”

In other words, by California law, the paragraph quoted was supposed to appear on all California ballots. And remember, according to Section 13200, “Ballots not printed in accordance with the chapter [Chapter 3] shall not be cast nor counted at any election.”

And guess what? According to data collected by the American Independent Party in California, those words did not appear on ballots in 53 of California’s 58 counties.

In the remaining five counties, ballots required additional wording that is outlined in California Election Code 12305 (c). Some of those county’s ballots included the wording from section (b), but ballots in all five of those counties were still missing the required wording from section (c).

This means 100 percent of California’s voting was conducted in complete violation of its state election laws.

What did California do about this? Nothing. 

They sent Electoral Votes to Washington, DC anyway; despite NONE of those Electors being valid under their own state laws!  


According to national voting records, there are about 140 Million registered voters in the entire United States.

The mass-media agrees that President Trump got 74 Million votes.

That leaves 66 Million remaining for Joe Biden.

Yet the same mass-media claims Biden got 80 Million votes.

If only 66 million votes could possibly remain, where did the other fourteen million votes for Biden come from?  


The situation we now find ourselves in is utterly sinister. Several states have sent what they call CERTIFIED election results, to Washington, DC, claiming they prove Joe Biden won the election.

For states like California, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Georgia and Arizona, those "CERTIFIED" results, are fraud.

The election results cannot be trusted.

On January 6, Congress will have a chance to DISREGARD Electoral Votes from any state if a member of either House of Congress OBJECTS and the Objection is Seconded by a member of the other house of Congress.

If an objection is Seconded, both Houses retire to their respective chambers to debate for two hours on whether or not to sustain the Objection.  THIS VOTE WILL MARK WHO IS AN ACCOMPLICE TO FRAUD.

Members who vote to sustain the objection are voting to NOT COUNT the suspect electoral votes.  

Members who vote against sustaining the objection, are the ACCOMPLICES TO FRAUD.



This "vote" in Congress, amounts to an actual physical attack against you and me.  The vote will determine if the Ballots WE CAST in the election, are nullified by fraud.  

If a member of Congress votes to allow the counting of fraudulent electors, then that member of Congress is attacking you.

The member is attacking your cherished right to vote, your cherished right to free and fair elections, because the member of Congress is covering for the fraud which negated our votes.

When attacked, people have a right to defend themselves.  

On January 6, at the United States Capital, that right of self defense may, just may, have to be exercised by whatever Americans are assembled there.

I won't be there because 19 months ago I suffered a heart attack (Myocardial infarction) requiring open heart surgery for quadruple by-passes.   I got through that surgery OK, but my sternum did not heal after the surgery.  Docs call it "non-fusion." My rib cage is held closed solely by wires. Worse, nine weeks ago, on October 23, I suffered a SECOND Heart attack!  One of the by-passes filled with blood clots and cut off blood flow to my (clogged) left circumflex heart artery, killing a significant portion of my heart muscle.  I can't even walk 50 feet without becoming severely winded and having to rest.  I am in no position at all to travel, or to engage in confrontation anyone. To do so would kill me.

Whether the Americans who travel to Washington choose to act, is solely up to them.  You are all grown ups; you have time to consider what you will or will not do, and you are responsible for the choices you make.

Whatever happens, by their vote, it seems to me that members of Congress may actually be sealing their own fate.  Right then and there. 

Because, I am told from articles on the Internet, there will be upwards of half a million Americans outside the US Capital when the vote is taken.  And a LOT of those Americans will be armed with guns.  That's far more Americans with guns than the US Capital Police have.  Far more than the Washington, DC police have.

If those Americans choose to storm into the US Capital and engage the accomplices to fraud, putting an end to their crime, police will be outnumbered and outgunned.  Utterly powerless to stop whatever takes place.

No rational person ever wants to engage with an "innocent" person.

As evidence by the facts above, persons who are accomplices to fraud . . . are not "innocent."

Their vote will be an "in your face" declaration that you are no longer free; your vote doesn't matter; they will do as they please - even so far as stealing the Presidency with fraud.

Will Americans stand-by and do nothing, or will they take action?

We get to know the answer to that question on January 6.

History appears in the making . . .


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