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These seven states dispute the election

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Seven states called for Biden now have cast two sets of Electoral College votes. There is still hope for stopping the fraud, but not if we sit on the sidelines. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) as Chair of the U.S. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee held a hearing about election fraud on Wednesday.

But some Republican legislators in D.C. are wavering under pressure. They urgently need to hear from you with the demand to stand strong against election results that have been swayed by fraud.

Send your crucial fax demanding the U.S. Senate and House investigate fraud across our nation and, in this contested election, vote to support President Trump in the U.S. House. - Mat

Republican Electoral College voters cast alternate votes for President Trump in Pennsylvania (20), Georgia (16), Michigan (16), Wisconsin (10), Arizona (11), Nevada (6), and New Mexico (5). All combined, these contested states have 84 Electoral College votes. That is more than enough to swing the presidential election for one candidate or the other.

However, the next battle is for these alternate votes to be officially recognized by state and national government representatives. Both Nevada and Pennsylvania are still working to get those alternate votes officially received and counted.

The U.S. House and Senate can, with the objection of one member from each chamber, contest election results. Two members of the legislature can constitutionally take control of this election out of the hands of these swing states and move it to the federal level.

This is why it is so important to reach out to U.S. Representatives and Senators right now and urge them to stand strong when our nation needs them the most and to fight to count only legitimate votes.

Send an urgent fax to these U.S. legislators imploring them to take a hard look at all the election fraud across America and vote in line with legitimate votes to elect President Trump to a second term.

State legislators are hitting roadblocks. Pennsylvania and Michigan legislators have repeatedly asked Dominion Voting Systems to send a representative to testify under oath.

Prior to this week, Dominion has repeatedly refused to testify.

This comes after a Dominion executive level staff member, Eric Coomer, was caught saying, "Trump's not gonna win. I made f-----g sure of that!"

Dominion's refusal to even answer questions about this election is shocking. But this private company's refusal isn't the only one. The Michigan Secretary of State just refused to answer questions or testify before her state legislature as well.

There are serious problems with the election in Michigan that I've outlined in prior emails with shocking proof of fraud that impacted nearly 70% of the votes cast on those machines that had forensic data analyzed. And the audit concluded that the vote shift in Antrim County, MI, was not human error.

This state should not certify their election, especially when the Secretary of State are willing to answer any questions under oath. Nor should the U.S. House accept any fraudulent election results from Michigan under these circumstances.

Get this information directly to our federal legislators with your urgent fax straight to those who can stop this election fraud and restore the integrity of our voting system.

The Constitution envisioned contested elections. If there is a contested election that is objected to by one member in the House and Senate, the contested election should be heard and decided in the U.S. House with one vote per state, which currently has a slim Republican majority.

This is certainly a contested election. There is a process that we are marching through and if our U.S. legislators just have the courage to vote straight party line, President Trump will win.

Trump has fought for us the last four years.

Now it's time for us to fight for him.

Send an urgent fax to the Republicans in the U.S. Senate and House with information on fraud across the nation. Demand that they fulfill their constitutional duty to stop this election from being stolen.

From the day after the election, LCA has been investigating and fighting against fraud. We know about fraud and illegal election behaviors firsthand. Every effort we have made to restore integrity in our election process is thanks to patriots and friends who have supported our organization.

Yet, I believe this battle is going to get more intense in the struggle for who will lead our nation. Help us by joining our Year-End Challenge Grant. Right now, you can DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT as every donation between now and the end of the year will be doubled.

Support Liberty Counsel Action by selecting here or the button below.

I want to encourage you with this verse, "I have set the Lord continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken" (Psalm 16:8). Our confidence should be in our Lord and not in our circumstances. Pray for our team and for our nation.


Mat Staver



P.S. There are large and growing problems of fraud across America. We cannot allow this to go unanswered. As I mentioned above, we have a new Challenge Grant that will effectively DOUBLE the impact of your donations between now and the end of the year! Select here to equip our staff to fight this battle for a free and fair election.

Then send a fax directly to our U.S. legislators to urge them to challenge the election results and vote for the candidate who didn't attempt to cheat Americans in this election.
