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Cybersecurity expert exposes this..

Mat Staver

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A cybersecurity expert and retired Colonel of the U.S. Army delivered testimony before the PA, AZ, MI and GA legislatures. His testimony demands a full, forensic computer audit of the 2020 election in these states.

Col. Phil Waldron served with the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion – a group sometimes referred to as "The Kraken."

The window to perform this audit is quickly closing.

Send your urgent fax today to those with the power and constitutional authority to stop the election fraud in the swing states of PA, MI, WI, AZ, and GA. -Mat

Over the past two weeks, the state legislatures of PA, AZ, MI and GA have all held hearings on the election that point to serious, widespread election fraud.

Col. Philip Waldron (US Army-Retired) served over 30 years as a U.S. Military Intelligence Officer specializing in cyber security focused on election manipulation. Waldron, an expert on automated voting machines, focused on how current systems can be hacked and manipulated.

Col. Waldron says there are a dozen different ways the voting machines can be hacked. For top-level DEF CON hackers, it would take "less than two minutes."

This system must be forensically audited! Send an urgent fax to the legislators and governors who have the authority to block the certification of this election before it is too late.

Col. Waldron's cyber security team has been monitoring the U.S. election system — including its voting machines — since August. "The voting systems in the U.S. and in Pennsylvania were built to be manipulated," Col. Waldron told the Pennsylvania legislature last week.

Waldron went on to state that U.S. election equipment like Dominion Voting Systems, ES&S, and many other systems all have "similar code and similar functions" as the Smartmatic voting software. In fact, said the Colonel, nearly every voting system used in the 2020 General election used a derivative of the Smartmatic software.

Such similarities would make it relatively easy for fraudsters to manipulate votes across multiple platforms and states regardless of the types of machines used.

As we reported earlier, a former Venezuelan intelligence officer submitted a sworn affidavit discussing how Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez worked directly with Smartmatic executives to engineer the software used to manipulate voting results to ensure a victory for Chávez.

In Arizona, Col. Waldron explained that members of Chávez's immediate family informed Cuban intelligence "not to worry about the populist threat against Maduro's election in Venezuela" because "it was guaranteed — their father [Chávez] invested the money to build the SGO voting machine system."

Here are some highlights from Waldron's testimony.


In Pennsylvania:


"Our experts and other academics believe that up to 1.2 million Pennsylvania votes could have been altered or fraudulent; this is what we discovered in the last 22 days," testified Waldron. A full forensic evaluation is therefore needed.


In Arizona:


Col. Waldron explained that Dominion/Smartmatic's modus operandi has been to move digital algorithms across multiple precincts to determine a percentage of votes needed for the desired candidate to win. Once determined, another algorithm is launched — one that "delivers" the needed votes across all precincts for the computer's preferred candidate.

Waldron went on to discuss a sudden, unmistakably fraudulent spike of 35,000 votes for every Democrat in one area that he investigated. If this is spread across the state, it could result in hundreds of thousands of fraudulently added votes.

This must be urgently and fully investigated before the nation rushes to certify a president under a cloud of suspicion. Send your urgent fax to these legislators and governors to demand that they only certify the election results after all fraudulent votes have been removed.

But there's more...

Col. Waldron testified that not only did Dominion store the information in Germany, but he also personally witnessed the transfer of information offshore to Frankfurt, Germany, on November 3 – Election Day!

I was on the front lines in the 2000 contested presidential election and spent a full week litigating that process. We are once again intensely fighting for free, fair and transparent elections. Get involved by making your voice heard with your fax to these swing state legislators and governors who have the constitutional authority to stop this election fraud.

Our new Year-End Challenge Grant has been established to DOUBLE THE IMPACT of your gifts. Every gift between now and the end of the year will be effectively doubled. Please, give as generously as you can. Our freedom truly hangs in the balance. Select here or the button below.

Finally, please continue to pray, guided by 2 Chronicles 7:14. Our country needs God's healing hand like no other time in modern history.

God bless!

Mat Staver



P.S. Join our NEW YEAR-END CHALLENGE GRANT! As I mentioned above, we have a new Challenge Grant that will effectively DOUBLE the impact of your donations between now and the end of the year!

Then fax these swing state legislators and governors. And forward this email to others that you think would enjoy learning about what is going on behind this election.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

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PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
