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All Eyes On The Supreme Court – Republicans Demand Justices To Put A Stop To Pennsylvania Election Certification

Adam Casalino

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What’s Happening:

Trump is continuing to fight for fair and honest 2020 election results. And Republicans in Congress are doing some heavy lifting for him.

Pennsylvania is a must-win state for the president. And it has become ground zero for an all-out battle to expose supposed fraud.

Democrats in the state already certified the election results, despite ongoing court battles.

Now, Republican lawmakers are stepping in and appealing to the Supreme Court:

Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly of northwestern Pennsylvania and the other plaintiffs are asking the high court to prevent the state from certifying any contests from the Nov. 3 election, and undo any certifications already made…

They maintain that Pennsylvania’s expansive vote-by-mail law is unconstitutional because it required a constitutional amendment to authorize its provisions.

Republicans are asking the Supreme Court to step in and prevent Pennsylvania from certifying the contested results of the election.

Democrats in the state are accused of changing the voting rules to allow late ballots, despite the state’s Constitution forbidding it.

They are arguing that those ballots cannot be counted, given they may violate their Constitution.

Americans were shocked at how Pennsylvania election officials handled the counting on Election Night. Trump was winning by hundreds of thousands of votes. Then, suddenly, they paused counting.

In the coming days, the state counted up enough ballots to give Joe Biden a victory. Sound suspicious?

This pattern was repeated in several other swing states. Trump had a commanding led by the end of the night. But these states (mostly liberal) election officials dragged out the counting process until conveniently, Biden had squeaked out victories.

Trump’s legal team is battling to convince state legislatures that something isn’t right. They are trying to evidence that seems to showing irregularities occurred.

If that is the case, Pennsylvania’s Republican legislature (who picks the electors) ould override the tainted results and give Trump the victory.

Will that happen? It’s unclear. But a ruling from the Supreme Court will go a long way in protecting this election’s results.

Key Takeaways:

  • Republican congressmen are appealing to the Supreme Court over Pennsylvania.
  • They are asking the court to reject ballots that were counted, despite the state’s election rules.
  • Democrats tried to change the rules, violating the state’s Constitution.