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Video shows hidden ballots in GA..

Mat Staver

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Shocking, new video evidence was just released yesterday in Atlanta, GA that alone should impact well beyond the slim margin for Biden!

Surveillance video from a counting location shows hidden ballots that were only pulled out after Republicans were kicked out of the counting area. Dead people voting, kids voting, felons voting, and so much more has happened in these swing states!

This is explosive! Right now, is the time to push these legislators and governors to act. Fax all of these critical swing state legislators and governors today to urge them to fully investigate this evidence and to NOT certify any election before every valid vote is counted and every invalid one is thrown out. - Mat

At 10 PM on election night, the media and Republican poll watchers were kicked out of the ballot counting room, after being told that they were not counting any more ballots that night. However, new surveillance video in Atlanta shows that four people stayed behind to continue counting ballots.

However, these people did not keep counting from the same stacks but—after everyone else had left—went over to a table where four suitcases were hidden underneath a long cloth. They pulled out these suitcases and began processing the ballots contained inside of them. This was a completely different source than how legitimate ballots had been entering the room.

These four suitcases can hold an estimate of up to 6,000 ballots ... each. And the same woman who kicked the Republicans out, appears to be the person who placed the table in the room that morning.

In the almost three hours of unmonitored time, these four people would have had the time to process up to 18,000 ballots. This one problem alone goes well above the 12,000-vote margin that Biden currently holds in Georgia.

This situation sounds eerily similar to what affidavits said happened in Michigan; and what could have happened in Pennsylvania when our own staff was kicked out from the ballot observing process... Only those states didn't have security cameras rolling the whole time to catch it on tape!

Make your voice heard right now by swing state legislators in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and so many others to push for a complete forensic investigation into this election fraud.

But there is SO much more than just one instance. Ray Smith, the lead counsel for President Trump in the state of Georgia made this statement:

"The actual results of legal ballots cast in the Nov 3, 2020 election, in compliance with the Georgia election code, cannot be known... ever. Not by the Secretary of State, not by the Governor downstairs, not by the voting public, and not by this Georgia legislature... that is why the election must be vacated and cannot be allowed to stand."

In Georgia alone, he stated that there were:

  • 66,248 votes from underage voters who were not old enough yet
  • 10,315 voters who were deceased by the time of the election
  • 15,700 voters had filed a national change of address before Nov. 3.
  • 2,506 votes from known felons
  • 2,423 voted when they were not actually registered
  • 1,043 illegally registered with a P.O. Box
  • 395 votes illegally cast by one person in two states, including GA
  • And 40,273 voters had moved across county lines more than 30 days prior to the election and not updated their voting records, which is required by state law.

In addition, there were 96,600 ballots that were never marked as received by the registrar's office, but somehow these 96,600 people still magically "voted" and had their ballots counted.

These shocking allegations of fraud were presented in a Georgia senate hearing and in a lawsuit filed yesterday by Trump's legal team. I encourage you to act now. Send a clear message to the governors and legislators to demand justice be found BEFORE any election results are certified. Click here to send your urgent fax to these legislators and governors.

One GA legislator just leaned back and placed her hands on her head after this information was revealed.

Even before this new information broke, there were still serious concerns in Georgia. The law requires that signatures be verified, however there are allegations that up to a fourth of the signatures were not properly matched. In fact, the Secretary of State's office entered a legal Consent Decree with the Democrat Party to NOT check signatures.

In 2016, 6.4% of mailed-in ballots were rejected, however, in 2020—while the number of mailed-in ballots skyrocketed, the rejection rate plummeted to just 0.2%. A mail-in ballot was 32x more likely to be rejected in 2016 than in 2020 in Georgia.

"We just elected the most powerful person in the world," said Senator Steve Gooch. "How can we certify this election, this week, knowing that a fourth of the ballots [signatures] haven't been verified by professionals, or even audited."

Send your fax to these legislators and encourage them to stand on the principle of an honest and accurate election right now.

We are fighting to make sure that patriots across America have the truth. This is critical to ensuring a fair election in 2020 and beyond. Pray for the deeds done in secret to come to light.

A NEW Year-End Challenge will DOUBLE every contribution between now and the end of the year. Donate today to support our efforts to bring justice to the voting process.

If you cannot fax or donate today, please help spread this important information. Forward this email to your friends and ask them to join in voicing support to ensure an accurate and honest election. Then visit our page with links to the growing number of affidavits that we have.


Mat Staver




Pollak, J.B. (2020, Nov 16). Fact Check: Trump Is Right, AP Wrong, About Georgia Signature Matching. Breitbart.

The Epoch Times. (2020, Dec 3). LIVE: Trump legal team presents case at Georgia Senate hearing (Dec.3 ) | The Epoch Times. YouTube.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

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