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Days After Pennsylvania Tries To Certify Election – Judge Intervenes For Trump, Blocks Any Further Certification Pending Hearing

John Brenner

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What’s Happening:

There have been many reports of concerns, mistakes, and worse in the 2020 election, but swing states like Pennsylvania have been rushing to get their results certified for Joe Biden.

Trump and his legal team tried to block Pennsylvania from moving forward, which just resulted in one judge denying their request.

But it’s not over yet, folks: there has been a major development in the Keystone State, and Biden is probably not going to be happy with this. From Fox News:

A Pennsylvania state court issued an injunction Wednesday blocking any potential further certification of election results in the state, pending a hearing to be held Friday.

The order from Judge Patricia McCullough comes in the case brought by Pennsylvania voters including Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., in which they allege that a state law allowing for no-excuse absentee voting violated the Pennsylvania constitution, which outlines specific cases where absentee voting is allowed.

This Pennsylvania judge just slammed the brakes on the state trying to certify the election before concerns can be heard over rules that may have violated their state Constitution.

What’s the rush, Pennsylvania? Shouldn’t the laws comply with the Constitution and not give any candidate an unfair leg up or a way to undermine the system?

That seems to be all Trump is asking for: make sure everything was done legally and fairly. But if it wasn’t, then they’re going to have to go back and make sure every ballot cast was legal.

When Democrats lose, they often do everything they can to fight the result if it was close. The 2020 election is actually quite close, coming down to tens of thousands of votes in just a handful of states.

And don’t forget it was done in unprecedented times with new rules put together to allowed for widespread mail-in voting.

No wonder Biden was able to generate record turnout, besting his former boss, Obama.

Americans need to feel confident their votes were counted, and that this election was fair and square.

So the judge’s call today to hold off on certifying the election until every significant concern can be addressed seems to be a smart one.

Do you think Trump will be able to pull out a victory when all is said and done?

Key Takeaways:

  • A Pennsylvania judge halted her state’s certification of election results.
  • First a hearing on the constitutionality of a recent no-excuse absentee voting rule must be held.