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Trump knew there would be voter fraud, now 2020 election will wind up in the Supreme Court

Steven Mosher

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November 9, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – The Red Wave that appeared to be cresting for President Trump on the evening of November 3rdhad receded by the following morning. Hundreds of thousands of votes had materialized for Joe Biden—seemingly out of nowhere--in the wee hours.  And nearly all came from Democrat-controlled cities like Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Las Vegas.

As my grandfather used to say, “Nothing good happens after midnight.”

As the strange new vote totals have piled up, so have the allegations of massive voter fraud.  Many Americans now suspect that the fix was in. As Debbie Aldrich has noted, how likely is it that the “majority of Americans would pick a 78-year-old who can’t remember what office he’s running for to be the Leader of the Free World.”    

The Trump team is certainly convinced that they didn’t.  If only legally cast ballots are counted, they argue, President Trump easily wins a second term.  They are filing multiple lawsuits in both state and federal courts to ask that fraudulent and defective ballots be thrown out.  

Given the seriousness of the issues at stake, nearly all of these lawsuits will shortly wind up before the Supreme Court.  One already has.  Justice Samuel Alito on Friday has already ordered all Pennsylvania county boards of elections to segregate all late arriving ballots. These probably number in the tens or even hundreds of thousands and, if disqualified in whole or in part, will give the state’s 20 electoral votes to Trump.

The last time the Supreme Court had to adjudicate an election happened in 2000.  Just like today, the reliably progressive major media outlets were eager to declare Democrat candidate Al Gore to be the winner as recounts targeted to heavily Democrat counties cut into Republican George W. Bush’s small lead in the state. Bush took the matter to court.

After reviewing the evidence, the Supreme Court decided in George Bush’s favor in Bush v. Gore.  Bush thus won Florida’s 25 electoral votes and the election.

But if Bush v. Gore was a Category 1 legal hurricane, Trump v. Biden will be a Category 5. And at the very eye of the storm will sit nine Supreme Court justices, deliberating the merits of the many cases that will shortly come before them.   

And here, for those who are despairing about the future of the Republic, I have good news. 

George W. Bush prevailed in the Supreme Court in part because of the able assistance of two brilliant young attorneys whose names will be familiar to you: Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.