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The polls lied and so did Big Tech...

Mat Staver

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The polls projected a blue wave across America. The fake news did, too. Big Tech did everything in its power to hide important truth that voters needed to know before marking their ballot.

Instead of a blue wave, all 11 pro-life women incumbents won reelection, while at least 13 new pro-life women will join the House...At least seven of them flipped Democrat-held seats...At least six other pro-life women will replace pro-life men in the House...Eight races also featuring pro-life women have yet to be called.

Par for the course, the media and Big Tech don't want you to know about a postal worker in Michigan who revealed that the Postmaster instructed staff to separate late mail-in ballots and mark them as received on November 3, so they could be counted.

Yet in the face of these incredible stories, Facebook continues to censor. Even on President Trump's page, Facebook placed a "correction box" with a link to its own content on EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS POSTS yesterday. It is time to STOP THE CENSORSHIP!

Send your urgent fax to demand an end to this censorship. - Mat


About 14 billion dollars was spent on this election. That's more than double what was spent on the last presidential election. And it does not include the "in-kind" donations made by many of these social media censors to promote Joe Biden. Liberty Counsel Action already filed an official complaint with the Federal Election Commission on this behavior.

Tucker Carlson on Fox News exposed the plans of radicals and Big Tech, and he showed what is at stake in this election. They tried to get control of the White House and Senate. "No more democracy, no more dissent. Permanent obedience from the rest of us," he said. "And they came shockingly close to getting that."

Social media giants are becoming more emboldened in their censorship. They are deciding winners and losers to control you.

We cannot allow this to happen. Help us fight back now. Flood Washington D.C. with the demand that special government protections for Big Tech in Section 230 must end now.

President Trump warned that mail-in ballots are ripe for fraud, and that extending the date to receive them will delay the results. Media and Big Tech mocked the President, but he was right.

Media and Big Tech censorship and propaganda have become the enemy of the state. They have interfered with this election. These companies will continue to infringe on your rights. If this abuse is not stopped, they will destroy our country.

Send your urgent fax directly to the government officials who have the power and authority to stop Big Tech censorship.

Do you know why these Tech companies are working so hard to sway this election?

Because they are scared of you.

These companies know how deeply dependent they are on the special government privileges in Section 230 that have made them incredibly powerful. If these protections are removed, these companies will have to answer to the American people and the court system.

They are terrified that the playing field will be leveled and their position as oligarchs in the United States will be destroyed.

Rather than lose their power and control over the American people, they have been working to take over the nation. In return, three of these Big Tech companies have high level former staff members on the "transition team" that Joe Biden launched yesterday.

Their plan is shocking. According to Tucker Carlson, the plan is as follows:

  1. Pack the U.S. Supreme Court
  2. Pack the Senate by adding D.C. as a brand new "state" and
  3. Pack their districts with new illegal immigrant voters

They hate America and they want to utterly destroy it. This is why it is critical to rise up now to fight against this power play by Big Tech, to end the special privileges in Section 230 and make them stand on their own two feet as a private company. Act now to get this urgent message to Congress today.

We want to empower you to go beyond the headlines and understand why these things are happening in our nation. When we know the Truth, we will be set free by it. I encourage you to forward our emails, post them online, and become a voice in your community bearing fruit and bringing freedom.

I also invite you to partner with Liberty Counsel Action with your donation to help us find and build up these shepherds in communities that don't have them.

Now is not the time to give up but to press into our Heavenly Father and to push back against this destruction of our God-given liberties. Join me in calling for the Lord to once again allow His blessing to work through us and flow to our nation.

Fighting for Freedom,

Mat Staver



P.S. Now is the time to break the stranglehold that these Big Tech corporations have on truth, free speech, your liberty, and our nation. Send a fax demanding that legislators and the FTC move to protect freedom of information and free speech.

Forward this message to like-minded friends who want to see free speech preserved in America. Sign our petition to protect our liberties.

Our ministry depends completely on the donations of friends and patriots across America. If you can support Liberty Counsel Action with a donation of any size today, I would be grateful. God bless.


Davidson, J. (2020, Nov 4). Trump Campaign Sues Michigan After Access To Midnight Ballot Counts Was Denied. The Federalist.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
