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X22REPORT: Ep 2621a – The World Is Rejecting Globalism, The [CB] Is Next

Leftist Media Suffers A Racist Meltdown

X22REPORT: Those Who Are Blind Will Soon See The Light, One Step At A Time – Ep. 2620

X22REPORT: Ep 2620a – The Fed Will Raise Rates In An Effort To Kill The Economy, Playbook Known

X22REPORT: Ep 2619a – The [CB] Just Sent A Message, Timing Is Everything

X22REPORT: Power Returns To We The People, [DS] Has No Chance, Red Wave – Ep. 2618

X22REPORT: Ep 2618a – The Economic Movement Is Growing, There Is No Stopping It

X22REPORT: “We Have To Bypass The Media In Order To Get Straight To The People”, House Of Cards – Ep. 2617

X22REPORT: Ep 2617a – Trump Is Right Again, The Great Economic Awakening

X22REPORT: This Nation Shall Have A New Birth Of Freedom,By The People,For The People,Rig For Red – Ep. 2616

X22REPORT: Ep 2616a – The Entire [CB] Economic Agenda Is Failing, People See Right Through It

X22REEPORT: This Is The Tip Of The Iceberg, The Call For Election Decertification Is Getting Louder – Ep. 2615

SORCHAFAAL: “Screaming, Wearing Underwear On Head” Panicked Dems Warned Are Set To Run In Streets

X22REPOR: Ep 2615a – People Are Now Making An Economic Move, Dark To Light

SORCHA FAAL: Leftist Rage Explodes After Fox News Defends Tortured January 6 “False Flag” Political Prisoners

X22REPORT: Time Flies, Something Might Happen Before 2024, Down She Goes – Ep. 2614

X22REPORT: Ep 2614a – The [CB] & Biden Administration Are Trapped In Their Agenda, Inflation Nation

X22REPORT: Message Sent & Received, Who Is Commander And Chief Of The Military? – Ep. 2613

X22REPORT: Ep 2613a – [CB] Is Losing The Trust Of The People, The Economic Truth Is Building

X22REPORT: Ep 2612a – The Message Is Clear, The People See The Difference In The Two Economies